Roger On with Phonak P50UP hearing aids

Easy to tell if you have receiver/licences in your aid is with the Phonak phone app.
Devices >>> Product Information


Yeah as I stated earlier, I do not have receivers. But I do have Roger Direct.

With that being said, as I also asked earlier, do I require receivers if I have Roger Direct? Yes or no is all I am looking for here.

Next, if I require receivers such as the X02 or X03 type, where do they physically go? Do I need to take apart my hearing aids and insert them into the hearing aids? Do they go in the Roger On? I cannot find a definitive answer to support this question. I just need to know where the physical receiver goes if needed, thats all.

These are my only questions and concerns. Nothing more, nothing less.

Physical receiver goes no where but in your draw but if you get a Roger On iN then you don’t even need to get Roger receivers.

You seem to be getting confused.

Honestly best bet is to get the Roger On iN and then you won’t get so confused.

The licenses just activate the RogerDirect feature as said before.


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Did you watch the videos that are listed Above
I think They give a very good definition of the process

The License is NOT a physical hardware … but a software “code” that is transfer by radio signal to the HA’s … it only take a second to transfer.
Once the “code” is in the HA that will turn on the Roger receiver in the HA.
Did you look at your phone app to see if you have “Licenses” already ?

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@jte the answer is as follows:
1- No, IF you get the Roger On iN
2- Yes, IF you get the Roger On

You have Phonak Paradise Naida P50UP and this device have no connectors for a physical receiver cubicle.

All Phonak heaing aids of generation: Phonak Marvel, Phonak Paradise , Phonak Lumity have no connectors for a physical receiver. So you can not connect a physical receiver cube to such hearing aid models.

Older HA models have connectors and there you can connect a boot where you can connect a physical roger receiver cube. The silver cubes are called Roger X receivers.

What is Roger Direct ?
The newer Phonak hearing aid generations (M, P, L ) have Roger Direct , and this is just a place inside the hearing aid → inside the memory of the chip ,
Roger Direct means that the HA have in his memory chip an empty place holder for a non physical receiver license. The Roger receiver is in fact just a code of software , just encoded numbers of invisible bits & bytes) and Roger Direct means that the HA have an internal storage for a Roger receiver (the Phonak receiver license code )

A physical Roger X receiver cubicle also holds such a encoded number in his chip , and the cubicle have an internal antenna and connectors. And it is possible to extract this virtual receiver license (encoded code / Bytes) wireless from a physical receiver cubicle and transfer this license code into the M, P , L hearing aids , and for this transfer you need an extra hardware → Roger installer. (black plate see Zebras picture above)

@jte You dont need to purchase Roger X cubicles and Roger installer hardware if you purchase an Roger On IN (or Roger Direct IN) microphone , because then you receive this microphone with two internal Roger licenses (virtual receivers , non physical, just a binary code) and you can send these roger receiver licenses wireless (install) to each HA of a pair , and vice versa it is possible to send the Roger Licenses from the hearing aids back to the internal storage of the Roger Microphone , if you want to store the software licenses back in the memory of the Microphone , when you change to new hearing aids , this step will be crucial that you save your Roger Receiver Licenses.

Be aware, if you purchase Roger On IN (or Roger Direct IN) microphones second hand on ebay or elsewhere, because it could be that you get just the Microphone without the expensive virtual Roger Receivers , when the seller did not transfer his Roger receiver licenses back into the microphone

Did You see that I sent you a personal Message pertaining to you looking for someone close by. I am 75 miles miles from Cleveland and could provide some 1 on 1 information on the Roger Architecture and what makes it tick.

The “licenses” you are refering to on my phone, are you refering to Roger Receivers? Because like i said, my phone just shows there are no Roger receivers, which I already knew. I do have Roger Direct tho, however. Is that what you are refering to?

if the MyPhonak app screen showing you no receiver licenses, than you have no receiver licenses installed internal in your P50UP hearing aids.

Each of your aids have an internal memory slot (so called Roger Direct) where the hearing aid can store an Receiver license ( just an code , encrypted number)

As an addon to this extensive explanation the following can often be a cheaper option than purchasing a Roger iN device. I have Roger devices working in both M70 & P90 for less that the price of a Roger On iN (which would only supply one pair).

  1. You could buy a used Roger On/Select (non iN). These will generally be cheaper.

  2. Buy 2x Roger Xs (with serial numbers above 1744).

  3. Buy, or borrow, a Roger Installer.

Again, be careful on this, as like Roger iNs, make sure you’re RogerXs still have the licenses in them. If you buy a RogerX with the serial number below 1744, it can only be used in older hearing aids with shoes (or the Compilot II).



yes , then you need the Roger ON IN with two receiver Licenses in it .

I think i understand now. The roger on in doesnt even come with receivers, but just licensing that functions with either preinstalled receivers within the hearing aids or with hearing aids that have roger direct. Is this accurate?

I do believe you GOT it :grin:

@jte not far off, but:

“preinstalled receivers within the hearing aids = with hearing aids that have roger direct”
equal not or

but, check this link:

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Phonak want your money. They shamelessly want you to spend huge amounts of cash. They could very easily enable all their hearing aids for their own expensive accessories, but they choose to make their loyal customers pay more. They’ve made their recent aids “Roger Direct” (Marvel/Paradise/Lumity), so there’s really no physical excuse for it any more.


Older hearing aids required physical receivers that connected to the bottom of the aid, like the pictures others have posted, to be able to use Roger devices. In newer models (Marvel, Paradise, and Lumity), the physical hardware that was in those external receivers is now incorporated in the main body of the aid. Phonak calls this “Roger Direct,” and it means there’s no need to use physical external receivers (and no place to plug them in anyway).

But there’s a catch: As PeterH said, Phonak wanted this change to be revenue-neutral. If people were no longer paying for the physical external receivers that are no longer necessary, that’s money that has to be made up somewhere. Phonak’s solution was to require people to buy digital licenses, which it confusingly still calls “receivers,” to enable their Roger Direct aids to actually use the already-included Roger receiver technology.

At the same time Phonak made this change, it started selling iN versions of all of its Roger products. The difference between the On and On iN is that the iN (if bought new) comes with two digital licenses included, and those licenses can be transferred to your hearing aids with no additional devices or expense required. There are other ways of obtaining and transferring those digital licenses, and if your aids already have licenses that you’ve transferred from something else, you should be able to use the non-iN version of the On or any other Roger device. But if you don’t already have those licenses in your aids, the non-iN version won’t be usable.

The non-iN versions are generally cheaper than the iN versions, unless the iN versions are being sold without licenses (which is something you should watch out for if you buy one used).


The video is not available anymore. :((

i searched the internet for “how to install roger licenses” and this are the results for videos




short press into the hole → the microphone showing the amount of receivers inside the microphone unit.

longer press (2 seconds) in the hole → for transfering receivers between HA and microphone (in and out of microphone , depends where the receiver is stored)

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Phonak RogerDirect Installation Guide: Roger Select iN
RogerDirect_RogerSelectiN_InstallationGuide_201908.pdf (250.1 KB)

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