Roger on v2 need help

Looking if anyone can advise me
I have a set of ambio 77 Bluetooth my employer has just purchased a roger on v2 with the adapters I’ve paired it up an it shows up on my iPhone BeMore app all perfectly
When I’m on a teams call my colleagues can hear me no problem but I can hear them very faintly an I have all the volumes up to maximum
Anyone any tips on what I’m doing wrong I’ve contacted phonak but waiting on a response from them
Thanks in advance

I’m a bit confused. Ambio is, unless I’m misunderstanding something, a GN Resound family hearing aid. As a result it doesn’t have built-in receiver technology. What are you using to receive the audio from the microphone, a neck loop + a mylink?? Does the roger work for you when not attached to the phone to listen to the sound in the room?


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Is that Ambio/GN/Resound’s app for controlling the hearing aids? Why is it paired to that app? What type of adapters are you using?

Are the Teams calls also using an app on the same phone? I’m not understanding why you’d use a Roger for that rather than streaming directly to your aids via bluetooth. Since your aids don’t have built-in receivers, the signal is just being converted to either a bluetooth or a telecoil signal anyway, and you don’t need the Roger to do either.

Chiming in with the others here - it seems there is a fundamental mis-match of the Roger On iN V2 with Resound aids. In any case, if you can stream calls thru BT directly with your iPhone, I’d ditch the Roger and just stream away. If you have the phone on your desktop close by, others should be able to hear YOU pretty good.

And if you stream incoming iPhone calls via BT and can hear fine, go that route. I’m assuming that the volume situation with OTHER calls is not an issue. Keep us posted! intriguing if you get the Roger mic to work with your aids.

I am not sure what you mean by adapters. Maybe this? GN ReSound audio input shoe 19901700

If so, you also need the Roger X licenses to plug into your adapters. If your aids have Telecoil you can use the Phonak Neck Loop instead.

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It may be the Ambio 77 is equivalent to a Resound Quattro Linx2. They are the NHS version.

Here is a thread about them.

The BeMore app is like the ReSound Smart 3D app.

You pair the aids using the app initially. They are Bluetooth enabled.

It looks like there are links to accessories for these aids in the thread.

Bemore is the correct App for those Aids.

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Do the adapters look like this?


Yes that’s what I have phonak roger x receiver and GN resound audio input shoe

Sorry I’m new to all this I should have said I have Yes that’s what I have phonak roger x receiver and GN resound audio input shoe (I call them adapters)
I use Microsoft teams for work an have checked all the volumes out are at maximum an still struggle to hear but if I’m using my phone to listen to music like normal it’s loud that I sometime have to reduce the volume
Hope this makes sense

I know with other brands of hearing aids, you can have the Roger program adjusted.

Sounds like you could possibly just need an adjustment on your hearing aids.

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I’ve already been back to audiology to have them checked for the correct program will have a chat with my work accessibility team thanks though

I wonder if the issue might be the laptop?

Try it as a microphone in the middle of the table to see how loud it is. That’s what @MDB suggested. That would tell you if it’s a fault with the laptop or microphone itself.

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Well, yes, I figured that much out. :slight_smile: I’m just surprised that the Roger On pairs to the aids’ app directly, because that’s not how it’s done with the Phonak app.

OP, what device are you using for the Teams calls? Phone? Laptop? Something else? Do you have it connected through the audio input in the base unit, or through the USB input in the device directly?

Have you tried to use the On for non-streaming purposes, like talking with the person across from you in a noisy restaurant? Did you buy it just for streaming?

Don’t think it pairs as such. I think the OP is saying the App shows they are in the Roger program by looking at the App?

So yeah I’m using a laptop Microsoft teams I have the roger directly plugged in by usb
The roger microphone works fine in a room when not connected only seems to lose volume when trying to listen to say YouTube on laptop or when using teams

Hello! Just (only) a hint: you can connect the RogerOn v2 in Headset-Modus. Perhaps this offers you better function and volume, because it uses then another connectionprotocoll.


Are you absolutely certain it’s a V2? When you plug it in does it have a picture of a headset on the display?

When I got mine despite my Audi thinking it was a V2 it turned out they’d actually given me a V1. V2 doesn’t have the headset mode. I got mine swapped no problem but it was a pita to start with.

If the display is a music note not a headset it’s probably a V1 and needs to be swapped.

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Yeah it’s definitely a v2 an yeah I get the headset symbol on it when it’s plugged in

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Like @Zebras said it needs adjustment in the software. You said that they checked it but didn’t say if they upped the gain.

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