Roger On In - failed firmware update, bricked device?

I realised you have now sorted it but it’s so weird that even the serial number changed when the firmware bricked.

Your actual serial number starts with 22 where’s the other one starts when 13 which is 2013 in Phonak eyes. The On wasn’t even out then.

Very weird but glad it’s sorted.

Has anyone tested if the 2.0 firmware update makes the v1 a V2 ?
What does the V2 do that the V1 does not do … maybe I can test if I knew what they are .

I don’t know if you can just upgrade the V1 to V2, but the key difference between the two is the “Headset mode” functions in the newer version as described here.

I know it doesn’t really answer your question but I found this -

All the latest firmware updates.


I need to find someone to do a zoom call with and see if the v1 updated to v2 will use the ON mic. to transfer my voice to the computer.
Or someone else need to try it …

It needs to be tested


Are you not able to do the firmware update anyway. No harm in getting a new update and reporting back yourself?!

Read further on as well………

I have several that I have updated … not sure how to test.
I have never done Zoom :frowning:

I will connect it to my Phone and see if it picks up my voice .

I think there’s additional technology in the v2 to do the voice mic stuff but I’d be super keen to see what other folks can discern.

As an Apple devices user, this feels like rather familiar territory - a modest upgrade with a nice feature rather than a major innovation breakthrough.


I don’t understand this headset feature as I can use any Roger Mic on my laptop for Teams/Zooms so unsure what this ‘fancy feature’ can add?

Wondering what the firmware bump does for the Roger Pen 1.1. Tweaks to performance/battery life etc? Impressive that Phonak supports a device that’s several years old. I’m used to feeling lucky to have Android updates for 2 years…lol

@garethjwells [quote=“garethjwells, post:6, topic:77847”]
Playing with settings this morning, I found options to activate Range Extension and Multibeam 2.0 in my Roger On iN (v1) which now has Phonak’s latest firmware (installed by them).
Where did you find this? Looking at my updated v1 with 2.0.47502 firmware and can’t find it.

@Zebras I t"believe" that in version 1 you are talking into the laptop mic while in v2 your voice is picked up by the Roger microphone. I believe I read that but don’t have a reference to quote.

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Just had a look - in the app, try Roger On settings. Should be a multi beam 2.0 and a range extender option.

I was wondering about this. My Roger On is mostly plugged into either my laptop or iPad for work. Both of which…have mics.

Perhaps superior mics then with some clever algorithms to optimise speech?

I guess you are special :grin: I just tried it with two different Roger On IN’s with updated software but couldn’t see that. We are talking about the myRogerMic app, right?

The 2.0 firmware can be used on the V1 Roger On, but it won’t make it a V2 according to the Sales Manager of Phonak Denmark Eastern Region. There is a hardware difference.

When USB-connected to a Windows PC, the V2 will appear in Sound Settings as a microphone. The V1 should not.

… and the “headset” pictogram will be shown in the display.

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I see these options are shown in the myRogermic users guide. For some reason they are not available in my app. I have downloaded and reinstalled the app on both apple and android devices but the settings page is blank except for the option to rename the device for to forget the device. Is anybody else seeing the options to activate Range Extension and use Multibeam 2.0?