Resound Vivia and Cochlear bimodal

I’m in a position to buy the Resound Vivia in March, as it is released in February (the 20th). Every Resound hearing aid since the first bimodally-supported one has ended up being bimodal with Cochlear. But of course, there’s disclaimers right now of them not being compatible. Is there any reason to think they would skip a generation of hearing aids? I know it takes a while for bimodal functionality to come out. I forget the timeline though.

From this page: “ ReSound Vivia™ and ReSound Savi™ are not bimodally compatible. ReSound Nexia™ is the recommended smart bimodal hearing aid solution.”

They had promised better compatibility through time. But it’s still a snail’s pace. lol. I know I’m being impatient.

My guess on this is it will take Cochlear and Resound some time to get things worked out.

I remember issues with the Nexia after it’s release with Cochlear. There were pairing problems that were corrected with an update.

If you can wait a month or two for the problems to get ironed out you might be happier.

Interesting information about LE Audio and Auracast. Also the new app that includes the Auracast assistant.

Cochlear should be right there with them concerning the LE Audio and Auracast. I believe the N8 is LE Audio ready.

The Cochlear compatibility website page is not right up to date, it takes them months to get it right.

I can remember when @Raudrive got his google pixel phone, it took Cochlear months to catch up and change the website.

Yes Rick the N8 is LE audio ready just not enabled as yet as it’s not readily available downunder.

@Patrick72 have you been implanted with the N8? If not, I would suggest you wait to purchase the aid until you have been implanted. This way it gives all 3 parties GN, Cochlear & Apple time to get it together. By then it should be known if the new aid you want will be compatible.

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Thanks. I decided to go ahead and order the hearing aid because the place I get them from (which is very good) changed vendors and they’re more expensive soon. So, having hope that the bimodal trend continues with the Resound Vivia is definitely high.


Just remember the GN aid needs to be set up on the CI mapping computer before it will stream with your CI. It needs to be “linked” to your phone and CI.
Good luck to you on your new hearing journey after you’re implanted.

Thanks. Unfortunately, what I mentioned originally will prevent pairing at this time. The Vivia is not yet bimodal. And I have an implant with a ONE hearing aid that is paired. I’ll just have to wait until Cochlear and Resound hopefully make it bimodal. Right now, Cochlear says it isn’t bimodal with Cochlear as the Nexia is the recommended bimodal solution. But every hearing aid has eventually been supported that has come since Resound and Cochlear started working together.

Good luck on that.
I think you have a high percentage of success.


@Patrick72 as far as I can remember all GN aids, once they have been released, they do stream. So because they haven’t been released on the market, it’s possible Cochlear isn’t passing any comment.

Fingers crossed once they are officially released on the market they will stream bimodally. It would be very unusual if they don’t. GN has a contract with Cochlear to have suitable aids that stream.

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Thanks. Yes, it’s odd that Cochlear has such a strong statement on their website:

“ ReSound Vivia™ and ReSound Savi™ are not bimodally compatible. ReSound Nexia™ is the recommended smart bimodal hearing aid solution.”

But I know it’s taken about a year at least for bimodal to become available for each product after launching. They need to be careful about what they say. But I get worried about this specific hearing aid having an incompatible chipset or something. But I can’t know. It’s frustrating.

@member72 Where there’s a will there’s a way.
When I was first implanted nearly 6 years ago. I was issued with the Enzo2. I had to purchase a phone clip to get it to stream… Costco’s Resound phone clips are a heck of a lot cheaper than direct from Cochlear. It’s exactly the same product but cochlear rebrand it and charge an exorbitant price for it.

This maybe a solution worth remembering when the time comes.

Another thought I’ve just had, why don’t you email GN and ask them?

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I’m a new member here after reading the forum for several years. I’ve had hearing aids for 12+ years and on Jan. 29th this year I was implanted with a Cochlear CI (right side only). Last Wednesday (Feb. 19) I was activated with a Nucleus 8 and talked to my audiologist about ReSound Vivia/Savi because I had already ordered a Nexia earlier. She told me that Cochlear had a meeting with them last week and told them that the Vivia/Savi would not be made compatible with Cochlear CIs because Cochlear wants to stop chasing updates to become compatible with new ReSound HAs and that they will be making a future update that allows them to be compatible with future ReSound HAs without additional updates. As a result of the update they are working on, they expect to skip the Vivia/Savi support but support the next ReSound HA release and all future releases without additional Cochlear processor updates. Obviously that’s one audiologists understanding of the situation but I don’t think she is intentionally misleading me. She did say that ReSound will be offering an update to the Nexia HAs to allow user replaceable microphone filters (like Vivia/Savi) because of problems with Nexia microphone filters that can only be replaced by the audiologist.


Wow. Thank you SO much! This is exactly the type of information that helps to let members know what choices to make. Because Cochlear has to veer on caution, even their statement of no bimodal support with the Vivia/Savi could be taken as “currently there’s no support.”

That makes complete sense they would want to streamline the bimodal compatibility, since it’s weird to have a new hearing aid option and wait a year or two for it to work with Cochlear.

I have heard there’s been tons of issues with connectivity as well with Nexia. It’s odd the microphones have been an issue as in all my years of being a hearing aid wearer, the brands I’ve happened to use have never had user-replaceable microphones. I guess I won’t get a Nexia as the mic replacements won’t fix all the issues I imagine. It seems OMNIA may be a stronger alternative: except for the lack of Auracast.

The same is true with the newest accessories (new TV Streamer+ and MultiMic+ are Resound-only). But this part was due obviously to Auracast. And I knew Cochlear would probably want their own remote app (Nucleus Smart app) to include a form of the “Auracast Assistant” that Resound offers for the Vivia/Savi line (interesting that the Nexia won’t have an app-based Auracast Assistant to help connect to Auracast streams - my guess is the phone will have support eventually).

You’ve been so helpful. And I knew this was a possibility. Maybe we will see bilateral features available with the bimodal solutions (some noise reduction automatic features are available only for bilateral Resound hearing aids). My guess is, probably not, since they are different companies with different chipsets. But I would like to see Hands-Free Calling supported. We shall see. I’ll wait a year and see if a new hearing aid is available. Usually Resound has had a two year release schedule: the first year being the initial introduction of the line of hearing aids followed by additional products like customs, power instruments, etc.

Thank you again!!! I really appreciate it. Even if they did decide to make Vivia compatible, I’ll be glad to wait for another generation.

I’m glad you found my post useful. It will be interesting to see where Cochlear and ReSound end up in the next year or two with their compatibility and hopefully additional features. I hoped they would be more integrated at this point since they have had their partnership for several years. I had flip-flopped a few times deciding between AB and CA implants and liked that AB was fully integrated with Phonak, but AB is still on the Marvel platform that was released in 2018. My ultimate CI decision was based on several factors, but with the history of new ReSound HAs being supported fairly quickly and my audi thought the Nexia would work well for me, it was another plus for Cochlear. I hope that the connectivity issues are now resolved with the Nexia.

One of the things I have been wondering about is Auracast allowing use of any mix of HAs and CI processors, at least from the audio stream aspect. My understanding is that Auracast has the ability to adjust timing which should be useful. Currently I’m using an Oticon Real along with my Nucleus 8 and surprisingly I can stream to both (almost) simultaneously with my Pixel 7. I didn’t think this would work but it does. The N8 has a slight delay, but it’s usable and even somewhat helpful during hearing rehab because my HA ear can recognize a word slightly before my CI ear. I’m guessing that the ASHA protocol is the reason it works. I did see a post somewhere where someone said they could stream from a Samsung phone to a Cochlear CI and an (I think) Oticon HA.

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In Android, there is an option to increase the delay on the HA side to match the CI.

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Thanks Bimodal_user, can you point me to where the Android delay setting are?

That in Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

Other options:

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Thanks for the info. Unfortunately it looks like the Sound Assistant is only available on Samsung phones. I’ll look at other options.