Resound smart fit fitting software

Does anyone has Resound Sound Fit software which can be shared to me to download on windows? I do appreciate any feedback on this or download links which will work .
Thank you Martin

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Sure, but don’t forget you’ll need the correct programming device as well for your DIY projects.


You can find a download link for (ReSound Smart Fit 1.15 Update 2 and/or ReSound Aventa in DIY School. Just click ant PVC Avatar for access.



Do you know how to retrieve the settings of a Resound hearing aid directly in the Smart Fit software?


Yes; Here’s a link to → How to read DIY School PDF files

Suggested DIY School help files;

  • 02 How to Program Your Hearing Aids
  • Choose Hardware-Programming Device for ReSound
  • Fitting Instructions ReSound SmartFit
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can you pls send me a link to resound smartfit sw? thanks

Hi there, sure but don’t forget you’ll need the correct programming device as well for your DIY projects (most likely the Noahlink wireless) what’s the exact models your using? this will help determine the correct programming device for you.

Hi after a couple of disastrous experiences with so called audiologists I’d like to program my Resound LinX3D’s. I’ve got a Noahlink but wondered if Smartfit was still available at DIY school.
I’d be really grateful for any help

Welcome @user675. Please check your private messages.

Welcome to the forum, sure but if you’ve not done this before you should do a little bit of research before jumping in, it’s easy enough tho, good luck.

Hi, could you please share the Resound Smart Fit software download link with me as well? Thanks in advance!

Hi there, great your giving DIY a go, it’s all pretty easy enough but do read the user guides and of course you’ll need the Noahlink wireless programming device.

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Thanks @tenkan! I do have NoahLink as I do self-programming of my Virto Paradise hearing aid. I guess I can use the same NoahLink with resound HA as well.

Oh that’s great, yeah the Noahlink wireless with any BLE hearing aids nowadays, it’s the industry standard for programming.

Hello everyone:

I too need the SmartFit software and intend to buy the Noahlink Wireless. I have the Resound LiNX Quattro 9 rechargable models (HI, RE961 -DRWC). My ears were damaged at work, and the local Audiologist don’t want to hassle with Workman’s Comp insurance anymore, so I have been left on my own for repairs etc. We live in the remote mountains so there are no good options. I have replaced receivers, and so forth, but now wish to buy a used pair because mine are getting pretty worn out.

I am an engineer and understand acoustics and technology fairly well, so I won’t be a hazard to myself.

Please help me with this if you can.


If you are buying used then I would strongly recommend that you buy something newer than the LINX Quattro. The One and Omnia are both much better sounding aids up my way of thinking.

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Thank you for the kind reply, David. I will check them out. Any help on finding a copy of SmartFit?

I expect that @tenkan will be able to help. Keep an eye on your forum private messaging.

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Your a perfect candidate for any DIY projects that’s for sure ; )

hello tenkan, could you please provide an download link for the resound smart fit software 2.0, i lost mine during an NAS Crash.
Thank you for your help