Resound one to oticon intent 1

I changed to have more voice perception. But the sound of the intent is more mechanical. I only started using it a day ago. Should I wait longer?

I have the Resound One 9 and im curious how you came to the conclusion that Oticon would have better vocal comprehension? Just curious if an audi recommended or you had some other insight? Thanks

If you’re already used to the sound of one brand’s aids, changing to another brand’s aids will take some adjustment to get used to the new sound again.

I’ve heard many comments on this forum who compare different brands’ sounds that they find the Oticon sound more natural. But that’s maybe because they’re used to the Oticon sound then switched to a different brand’s aids. If it’s the other way around, the perception will probably tend to favor the sound that one is used to over the new sound, regardless of what brand it is.

Beside finding the Oticon sounding mechanical, what is your overall impression of it? Especially in terms of speech in noise in noisy places?

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Your audiogram is similar my.
Audiologist Matthew Allsop recommend me change for Phonak Lumity 90 or Oticon Real 1. Both with custom receivers. And I test oticon intent 1.
But This momment natural sound and percepcion no have.

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Especially in terms of speech in noise in noisy places?
I test and works fine. Is the best.
But I prefere in conversasion a natural sound. If I need time, I wait.
And You? Like one 9?

I don’t have the Intent. You’re one of the few with the Intent on this forum so far, so we’re all eager to know what your impression of the Intent so far. It’ll help many of us decide whether to upgrade or not.

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I’m curious, your audiologist used earplugs or earmolds for your speakers. If the mechanical sound is loud, I think the low-frequency output is insufficient.

But you like resound one 9?

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I might be wrong on this, but the frequency transposition/composition that Oticon/Bernafon use is likely moving some previously unheard high pitch sounds into your residual range which can add sharpness/processed sounds to the situation.

If you’re not liking it, it can be turned down in 2dB steps or off. However given your loss, you could significantly benefit from the sounds that sit in the ‘deadspot’ area of your hearing. Getting used to it can take time as you’ve not previously had this level of information coming in from the upper pitches of your hearing.

I never said that I have the Resound One 9.

I have never owned resound one 9

I have just started testing Oticon Intents (currently wear ReSound Linx3Ds) and I would say you need to allow more time to adapt. I just trialled some Phonak Lumity 90s and the first day I wore them I felt they were awful. However, after wearing them for several days they sounded much better because I got used to them. Still didn’t like them overall, but you do need to allow time for your brain to adapt.

I am only a couple of days into trialling the Intents, I find the general speech recognition better than my Linx 3Ds but it is early days for me yet.


Ok. Who brand hearing?

Ok, who brand hearing?

Does anyone know why the oticon molds have this pin on the tip? It hurts a little.

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I have the Oticon OPN 1 currently. Hoping to upgrade to the Intent 1 soon.

That tip should not be touching anywhere inside your ear canal in the first place. You might think that it’s causing the discomfort you’re experiencing, but it’s more likely that the double dome is too big for your ear canal, hence creating the discomfort from rubbing too hard during insertion.

I can only guess that the tip is designed to provide the structural integrity of the opening underneath it. Without some kind of “bridge” across the opening, it’s probably easier to “squish” the opening from the surrounding pressure around the dome and close up that opening.


I’m in week 4 of the Intent 1s, long time Oticon user, and I’m very happy with them. Give it some time. Biggest improvement for me is speech in noise. Music program seems pretty good too, better than what I had with Real 1s.

I like my Resound Ones, it just took a while to get them adjusted correctly. And getting custom molds made a huge difference, like turbo charging my aids.
Costco recommended the Jabra for my loss, thats why i asked how your recommendation. Now I just went to costco to look at the new aids and got a hearing test and they said they would advise to get the Jabra, but also admitted they didnt think that at my loss I would get much benefit as they didnt think there was much difference. No hard sell at all.

Try using scissors to cut off the top part, apparently that’s what I did in the early days.