Replacing rechargeable batteries in Oticon More

OK, I see. But if I understand what you said correctly, your issue is that you removed the rechargeable batteries to verify that the batteries are full (and you verified so), then simply tried to put them back into the hearing aids, but now they don’t work anymore even though they work before, right? So the seller’s statement is irrelevant, because the problem is not even about charging up the batteries with the correct charger, right?

May I ask why you felt the need to remove the batteries to verify that they are full? Can’t you verify on whatever smartphone app the Bernafon came with for the battery level there?

And how did you verify that the batteries are full without the app? Did you put a voltmeter on the batteries themselves? What voltage did you get from them? How did you determine that the voltage you read indicate a full charge?

Is it possible that while the batteries are out and being measured with a voltmeter that the probes inadvertently shorted the batteries?

I opened the battery, because the hearing aid did not respond the first time I received it. then I opened tutuo baatrai, and tried to measure the condition of the battery, it was FULL. and I put the battery back into HA, and there was no response. I tried to connect by cable to the oasis application on the computer, still no response.

what battery short circuit, can happen because putting the battery upside down ?

now there is no clue at all. what happened with this tool.


Sorry, I don’t know what “tutuo baatrai” is. or was it just a typo for “the battery”?

You still didn’t say what device/method you used specifically to measure the condition of the battery after taking it out, and how you determined that it was full? The reason I asked for the details here is to understand whether the battery is really full like you think it is. Why don’t you go ahead and charge the batteries by putting the hearing aids in the charger until the green light is turned on? Can you also verify via the Bernafon EasyControl-A app for a full battery?

It’s possible that the batteries are fully discharged and that’s why you can’t connect to Oasis, since you were never able to connect the hearing aids to Oasis right up front already.

tutuo baatrai (battery cover )
I measure the battery using a simple tool that is usually used to check the battery, just put the battery on it, then the battery bar will appear ( and when I test the battery 312 + it is Full )

Ha tidam lights up at once, cannot be connected to anything, and cannot be detected with bernafon easy

Do not mix up the polarity of the battery when you insert it into your hearing aid.
Put the hearing aid into the charger to charge it and let the battery activate.