Replacing Receiver on Phonak Marvel 90

I only wear one hearing aid in left ear because right is is so bad. Yesterday my left HA didn’t seem as loud as it was before. Do receivers go bad and need replaced? I’m sure I’ve had this receiver for 2+ years and the HA for about 6 years. I went to a HA center yesterday. They tell me to replace the receiver, the appointment charge is $85 and new receiver is $185. The HIS was not there yesterday so receptionist could not check to see if I needed a new receiver. Not sure it’s worth fixing since I should get a newer Phonak HA.

Yes, receivers can and do fail. 2+ years is a pretty good run for one. The prices you were quoted are why so many of us DIY. You can buy the receiver for $30 or so on eBay and swap it out yourself in about 10 seconds. That’s $30 wasted if the problem isn’t the receiver (though really, you’re due for a replacement anyway), but at least you’ll know.


Thank you for the info!

Did you try replacing the wax filter in end of receiver? A lot of people have reduced volume when partially or completely plugged.

Thank you - yes, I did change it but still diminished hearing in my HA.

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