Has anyone else tried the Medicare subsidized United Healthcare Hearing “Relate” brand (made by Unitron)?
I got a pair of CIC aids last year, but wanted to try the slightly larger ITE half shell or even full shell because they are made with 2 microphones.
However, I was told that the hardware would not fit in my ear shape due to their faceplate size, even using the full shell. I’ve got pretty normal size ears. Have you ever heard of such a thing?
I was thinking more RIC and not the BTE, but not a lot of size difference in most cases anyway.
However have you thought about other brands, you may have to stump up some extra cash, but at least you get what you “want” otherwise your stuck with whatever they offer.
Sure, so it’s all about what your insurance is going to cover right, in that case I think you’re going to have to come up with a little extra cash to get what you want, what are you using at the moment? As in the exact model of ClC, with upto 70- 80dB loss at those higher frequencies you “could possibly” be better going with RIC anyway, but regardless there’s a number of other brands that you could consider in that small form factor.
Right now I am using the Relate 2.0 10 CIC pictured above. It is made by Unitron and is virtually identical (as best my research & audiologist conversations tell me) to the Unitron Insera 10.A Omni (tech level 5).
4 “listening environments” on the auto channel, and 3 other channels with less active crap. 14 EQ bands.
Regarding the faceplate size issue, consider that ears get somewhat bigger (and softer) as we age. Perhaps this brand designed this model with the slightly larger average dimensions of older ears in mind.
Certain other brands are, perhaps, more flexible in this regard but if you don’t have a choice then your options are limited.
It all depends on the real estate available in your ear. The directional mics must be level and have a certain distance between them to function as intended. If your concha is too narrow or odd shaped, I can see where the two mics would not be possible. If they can not be built as the manufacturer suggests, it would be useless to have the design compromised.
I can understand that, but in looking at various photos of full shell aids in people’s ears and comparing it to a photo of my ear, I find it hard to believe that my ear size/shape is that different from the norm. Or if it’s not, I find it strange that a company would design and limit production to a faceplate that eliminates many potential users. I am waiting for a callback from the company directly. It is frustrating not to be able to speak with a lab tech who actually has hands-on in the product. I guess that’s what you get when you’re older and on a fixed income depending on insurance.
Here are sample photos of ears with Full Shell vs my ear on the right (with old ITC aid).
I’m a hearing aid technician, and I let you know that many people ask me the same question, and some patients who fit mini canal and canal size, I add a second microphone, yes it’s possible.
Thanks. Again, I’m getting the information above second hand at this point, but I am hoping for a call back from Relate by someone who knows. Fingers crossed for next week…