I am new to HAs. Only had them for 4 weeks.
My question here is about what most people here probably would consider a luxury problem. I do hope I’ve posted this in the correct category.
Being a classically trained musician, I’m struggling a bit to make music streaming work in a really satisfactory way. I find that streaming from my iPhone 8 to my ReSound Linx Quattro is a bit lacking in comparison to really good quality headphones, even when I seal off the ear channel completely.
I have an Iphone music player app with a mono equalizer where I can copy an “average” result from the audiologist, but since my right ear has a more severe loss than the left, the result isn’t very good. As an example - a strummed steel string acoustic guitar will sound OK on the left ear but more like a nylon string guitar on the right.
Do any of you know a stereo graphic equalizer (EQ) app that would allow me to input different settings for left and right and work with available iphone music players like Itunes, Spotify and others? lternativelysomething that also is a good music player in itself.
Sharing your audiogram with us would help us help you.
Four weeks is not very long to have worn hearing aids. For most people new to hearing aids it takes more than four weeks to acclimate to new aids. It can take a month to a year sometimes to really get acclimated to hearing aids. It depends a lot on your hearing loss and how long you have gone without aids.
Your new aids are good aids. They may need some adjustments to improve sound quality. Take good notes about your hearing issues and the environment you are in at the time to your audiologist so he/she can help you.
I don’t know of any good equalizer apps, maybe another member will help with that.
I haven’t posted an audiogram yet because I haven’t got any from the audiologist
I understand that 4 weeks may not be enough to adapt completely to using HAs. However I haven’t had any serious problems at all. Everything just works much better than before, also speech recognition.
Only one tiny problem, some itching in the ear channels from the domes. Although I don’t see it as a problem, I also find it more comfortable turning the volume down on the basic program from the audiologists 9 preset to 6 or 7.
I typed in “iphone app equalizer” in my browser search box using duckduckgo. Found a page listing 10 apps. #8 was the only one that mentioned separate left and right. I would be quite certain there should be many others. I’m not an Apple guy so I make no recommendation. iphone app
If it would be you could be fine…
I will buy 2 stereo eq from aliexpress, then wired for my TV 1 for left 1 for right. I can set up independently from each other and listening it through a headphone.
For Iphone you need a perfect setting, and an MFI hearing aid. No need any other EQ app then.
Not the response you were looking for, but I find good quality headphones the ultimate in fidelity when listening to just about anything. I don’t know why streaming would be worse, but I’m guessing additional compression and/or processing done on the data.
Thanks for your suggestion.
Hardware EQ may work fine with a TV, but not for music on the move. I mentioned in my initial thread that this maybe was kind of a “luxury problem”. My hearing loss is moderate. I’m a bit picky when it comes to sound equipment. To me listening to the Linx Quattro, even with closed ear channels, sounds a bit like rather cheap headphones, even with the great advantage of the audiologists programming.
It would be so great to make my headphones work as a pair of HAs, but with no filters, no compression etc.,just music playback, adapted to my hearing loss.
Thanks. I agree. I’m using cabled headphones.
As it is now, I find streaming music from my iphone to the Linx Quattro to give me lower sound quality than I hoped for. I guess this is as much physical limitations of the tiny HAs as the bluetooth compression.
To be honest, I can no longer (if ever) hear the difference between lossless and 320 kbit MP3. However I have no problems hearing the difference in resolution/details and frequency range between my headphones and my HAs. I am tempted to compare the Linx Quattro streamed from iphone music delivery to 64 or 96kbit MP3 - even with the improved hi frequency delivery of the HAs.
I have no problems hearing the difference between 96kbit and 320kbit MP3. That is why I posted this EQ question.
For the moment I listen with the HAs inside my around the ear headphones. To me it sounds better than streaming. I have not tried to combine open dome direct streaming with headphones though.
The CD quality is not a high quality. This is just a middle level. The SACD is more high level. BUT you can copy the CDs, and you cannot copy the SACD. As you cannot copy 1to1 the vinyl. This is a poor quality, sound like long time ago… but you cannot to copy. If you transcopy to a tape or PC, that is not the same.
The best are always the acoustic instuments, the singing. Organ, zither, flute, drum, violin. If a hearing aid has a CD quality… I have to tell this is not the quality. Today is 2020. Why not make SACD quality in hearing aids? Just they dont wants.
You may want to ask your fitter if there is a streaming equalizer which can be customized for you in the hearing aid fitting software. I am not familiar with the ReSound fitting software, but here is a screen shot of what the equalizer looks like in the Rexton/Signia software. It defaults to a certain setting based on the type of fittings you have. Open fittings cause a big loss in bass. This screen shows the default for an open fitting, but it can be customized based on what you hear and want. Note that this is an additional correction applied in addition to your hearing loss correction, and it is only used when streaming.