Ready to finally take the plunge

Have an appointment Monday morning at Costco to get a hearing test. I’m certain they are going to recommend hearing aids. I’ve been putting it off for a while, but lately having much more trouble. My posted audiogram is from last April, but currently I feel like my right ear has likely drifted more toward the profound area of hearing loss. Wish me luck. I’ll update after I find out more.


I am sure Costco will work fine for your hearing loss. Best of success.

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I agree, you will be in good hands. I have been very pleased by the care I received from the hearing test, the fitting, and the followup care I have received at Costco.

Hi Jim,

Your audiogram is very much like mine. I have a little more loss in the very high frequencies, but it is still very similar. I could not function without hearing aids. They will make a big difference in your life.

I am not down on Costco, but if you can afford it, you are better off with a private audiologist. The extra money I pay every three or four years is more than paid back by access to the latest technology, personal attention and excellent advice on my hearing problems.

I see you are in Arizona. I don’t know if you follow Dr. Cliff Aud from Phoenix on Youtube. This is a very popular podcast. I don’t always agree with him, but he often has sound advice.


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Jim, everyone has an opinion. But the numbers tell the real story. A recent article in the Wall Street Journal reported that Costco has been selling hearing aids since 1989 and is the country’s second largest purveyor of hearing aids other than the Veteran’s Administration. They sell 17% of all hearing aids in the U.S. Also, they sell the top of the line models of hearing aids of each of the three brands they sell. They offer a 180 day, money back or exchange policy which is unheard of in the industry. Also, they use best practices which the good Dr. on YouTube preaches. Most private Audiologist’s clinics will only give you a thirty day trial period. If you discover after that time period that you don’t like them, tough because you own them.

I was fitted for my hearing aids at Costco in mid December and I am still learning and becoming accustomed to them. Another little known benefit is when you near the end of the six month trial period, they will send your hearing aids back to the manufacturer for a complete refurbishment. Usually they will just send you back a new pair. Costco will set you up with a loaner pair of aids.

Additionally, Costco offers a three year warranty period and a two year loss or replacement policy for damage. Another benefit is that they will give you supplies of domes and wax filters ans long and they stock your hearing aids. And, they will clean them for you whenever you want. It’s a great deal to pass up.

Oh, I forgot to mention hat the price was $1,599.

Just my personal opinion.

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Both my ENT and a friend that is a retired audiologist recommended Costco.

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My appointment with Costco went well. The staff were great and welcoming. when I did the test it was much more extensive than what I had had at the ENT office. As I suspected my right ear had drifted into the profound area. My new audiogram is attached. there was some asymmetry between my ears that is probably attributable to my eustation disfunction. I’m glad I took my previous hearing tests and ENT’s notes with me as it helped explain the asymmetry and clear me. otherwise they were going to refer me to an ENT. I tried the Phillips and the Rexton in the store and decided to start with the Phillips as they seem less jarring to me. We’ll have to see how they work out. I pick the aids up at the end of next week.