Please Help: UNDER-Whelming Performance from Phonak Roger On iN V2

Very much trial and error. I’m not sure many Audiologists in my country would do anything towards adjusting the fine tuning of a Roger device. Main HAs yes, but not accessories.



A quick update.

I compared my standard gain levels of my default Music program with the RogerDirect+Mic program. I did this with all 3 sets of hearing aids.

They all compared in a similar way. All gains and MPOs were similar except the bottom 2 or 3 frequencies, which all had much higher MPOs and G levels in the Roger program.

I made a quick effort to reduce those levels to something similar to my Music programme.

I took my Table Mic II to the quiz last night, and the difference was evident. The sound quality improved, it wasn’t as boomy, and I kept it switched on throughout. Before now, I’ve often turned a Roger device off because of its unnatural sound. This may have cured it??

I can understand the bass boost for the streaming programmes, as it is to compensate for sound leakage through domes, and the sound is coming from the receivers, but I can’t understand why it defaults on the Roger programme.



Thanks for the update! GEEZ, I am envious!

I’m guessing you have some kind of Target software to do this at home? My audi actually tinkered a bit with the Roger (using the same file she uses to adjust my aids!). I guess it is what it is.

The sound quality for TV streaming isn’t as good with my Roger V2 as it is with the old TV Connector, but when I use the Roger V2 out of its cradle for speakerphone calls it’s GOOD. In a noisy restaurant, my own aids in “Speech in Loud Noise” program is the best. I could even tinker with that using myPhonak app.

Funny aside, it appears I “murdered” one of my TWO (redundant) Roger V2s! It had to be completely replaced - no way to repair it! - after I stabbed it to death trying to get it to pair with my rechargeable. Goes to show, that whole cludge of lifting up the belt clip, pressing the pin into the hole, holding the dang thing over your head so you can SEE on the front of the device what state it’s in - even as you lose your grip on the PIN and have to start all over … AH, it’s IMPOSSIBLE! Phonak makes it ridiculously difficult to just PAIR + CONNECT a pair of aids to the Roger V2. It’s an accessory! It shouldn’t be this hard to get the V2 working with a pair of aids.

That’s my rant for the day.


Why you use the pin to pair with HAs? Don’t you have a regular pairing button, close to the USB-C connector on your Roger On?

I use the pin cuz it’s the only tool that works to transfer the license that allows Phonak Lumity Life aids to pair with a Roger V2 mic. There is no USB port at all to connect (i.e., get the license onto) these aids. Instead, one has to hold the mic in one’s hands turned upside down, then lift up a belt clip on the back and press the pin into a TINY hole on the underside - very awkward placement! And probably put there on purpose cuz folks were figuring out how to install/transfer the license to more than one pair of aids to a single Roger V2 mic. That’s what Phonak wanted to prevent. They want to sell a SINGLE Roger V2 mic that ONLY works with ONE pair of aids by requiring a separate license for each Roger V2.

For users like me - with actually FOUR pairs of Phonak aids (old to new) they want to force me to buy FOUR Roger V2 mics. Unacceptable.

EDIT: SEE ALL THE BOLD FACE COMMENTS ABOVE My bad! I keep using “pair” when I mean “transfer license”. :woozy_face:

I have 3 sets of Phonaks, all with separate Roger Licenses installed. I also have RogerOn V1, Select and TableMic2. In all cases, If I switch HAs, all I have to do is hold the figure of 8 button (while the Roger device is next to one of my ears) and the device will pair. I thought the pin-hole was for transferring licenses, in and out of HAs, not pairing? Am I missing something?


@1Bluejay, I still didn’t get where the pinhole is in the Roger On V2 case. In my Roger On V1 I haven’t anything below the metal belt clip. I simply press the pair button with symbol similar to downed “8” number or :infinity: symbol. Perhaps you insert a photo?

RIGHT YOU ARE! AUGH. I am plagued with “senior-itis!” and meant to say the license is the beotch to xfer from one Roger V2 to more than one pair of aids.

Pairing is indeed the figure 8 symbol. Xfering the license requires the awkward PIN press under the belt clip.

And here … I stagger through a brick wall of my own dunderheaded making. :brick:

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ACK! I am tongue-tied with terminology! I meant to say the license xfer - NOT PAIRING - with the V2.

But indeed, on my Roger oN iN V2 mic, there is a pinhole under the belt clip for xfering licenses. That is what Phonak is trying to make difficult for us users.

The pinhole is located under the clip as shown below (Item #6).

Sorry to ALL for the confusion here!

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It is all OK, nothing big happened :grin:

I have just found this and I already know everything:

I am simply have Roger On V1 WITHOUT IN (without Roger receiver licence - comment for those unfamiliar with the subject)!

I needed device called Roger Installer to tranfer licence from my RogerX to Audeo Paradise 90-RT :slight_smile:

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I am 35 years old with quite good manual skills (from my work and from music school in the past), and despite that, I still don’t like using the pin and pinhole…


If you have a Windows laptop available, you should be able to get licenses into all of your hearing aids, via the Roger Upgrader software. So you shouldn’t have to keep transferring them from one pair to another.


Feh! I only have MacBook Pro, and wonder why the Roger Upgrader software wouldn’t have a Mac-friendly version? I had such a disastrous experiencing STABBING my Roger V2 to DEATH attempting to get just ONE license on my LEFT aid that I’m going to let my audi & Phonak do all that for me going forward.

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