Please help select a model for a first-time user with sensorineural hearing loss and tinnitus

Seems to me the Phonak L 90 is the obvious choice, at a reasonable price @Ram, if it sounds that good, I would be inclined to go with it… Cheers Kev :smile:


I wear Phonak Lumity L90 hearing aids and I would not recommend them. They do not perform well for me in noisy environments like restaurants and I have difficulty hearing soft talkers.

That doesn’t mean they will not work well for @Ram… Our hearing loss is such an individual thing, what sounds good to me, you might hate, and vice versa… I wear Phonak Naida Lumity 90 UP BTE’s, I can state categorically, they are the finest aids I have ever worn… The first fit in November last year, was my last fit, not a single adjustment has been required from day 1, and that’s a first for me… And I go back to the old analog days. Ram has already stated they sound heavenly, and if they sound that good, on first impressions, I would be inclined to go with them… I have had, in the past poorly fitted aids, most of us experienced hearing aid users, know that feeling, usually sheer frustration… I hear well with the Naida’s, exceptionally well, when you consider my level of loss, even in noise, I am totally relaxed, and yes, I am not going to catch everything, but neither are the hearing folks, if the background noise is excessive? Sometimes we have to “Rein In” our expectations @nursebill48, if pitch perfect hearing folks can’t understand everything said in loud noise, why should we HOH folks, in some instances with severely impaired hearing, expect to hear? If the SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio) is below the ambient noise level, it is impossible for us to hear the speaker/signal we are listening too, and unless your speaker is wearing a Roger Remote Mic, you can whistle Dixie all day long, because you aren’t going to hear them, hearing aids are excellent, but they can’t defy physics… Unfortunately! Cheers Kev :wink:


If you compare P70 and Xceed. P70 has 3 mics and Xceed has 4. Maybe the mics in P70 is more powerful that “pull” in more moisture (sound?). I rotate betwen P70 & Xceed.
Thanks for your kind info.

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@kevels55 - I am very happy for you when the new Lumity HA’s fitting is day & night. Just wonder what “first fit” meant?

  1. Audiogram test 2. New HA’s 3. Audi’s key in the audiogram. 4. Done.
    How about others setting (previous settings kept in Audi’s office) in Lumity’s? This what most the online HA’s seller provide - “free first fit” then follow by Remote Care -adjustments remotely.

Cheers & stay dry & warm!

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Well Dan, “First Fit” in my book, is the initial day of fitting, I was tested 3 weeks or so prior to me receiving the aids, this was a very comprehensive test, much longer than any previous pure tone tests… The Naida Lumity’s were set up, prior to me walking in the door, my A.uD put the aids in, she ran feedback management, and said, “how does that sound, any adjustments needed”? I said, switch on compression, and swap to NAL NL2 please, a minute or so later, we were good to go, on follow-up visits, no further adjustments were deemed necessary, we actually discussed this at some length, my A.uD stated “ I am amazed with Lumity’s, in most instances, after the initial fit (first fit) she found no further adjustments were necessary”! No REM was done… It was indeed the shortest hearing aid fitting in my 30 odd years of wearing hearing aids… And since this was a review/ comparison evaluation v Naida Paradise UP 90’s, I was in to see my A.uD every 10 days or so, I had plenty opportunity for adjustments, but I never felt the need… As most of the regulars on here know, I have Noahlink Wireless, and Target software, in the past, I have programmed my own aids fairly effectively, But I have never felt the need to D.I.Y. With these aids, they just work, and they work well :smile: Take care, cheers Kev :wink:


Paradise only has two mics. There are three holes, but the two at the top provide access to one mic. Can’t speak to the oticons.



Xceed has 4 holes and not sure whether all provide access to one mic. 2 on top and 2 at the bottom.
Thanks a lot.

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Thanks for your kind reply.
When the Audi has done all the necessary checking and then transfer to the new HA’s and off you go. This is the first fit.

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Finally, after a 5-day trial of the Phonak Audeo L90 R, I purchased it today (2627$ / 220000 INR). I am quite happy with the performance and control given in the app. Thank you, everyone, for helping me out.

Thank you very much, @kevels55. If you had not suggested this model, I might have gone for the L50 and regretted it later. I am already noticing the difference.


You are very welcome @Ram… I am glad you are now sorted :smile: Hopefully, the L90 R’s will work well for you, personally, I am not keen on rechargeable aids, but that’s just me, others love them, and rightly so… We are all individuals, when we look at someone’s Audiogram, our hearing losses are almost like a fingerprint, unique to each other, just like our our perceptions of sound, we know what we like & ultimately what we dislike… Good Luck with your new aids Ram, cheers Kev :wink: