There are lots of files in the .zip; The resulting folder is named “Target 3.0”, but once installed, it’ 3.1… And, as carnutfl writes, the update button is working & some minuts later, you’ll have target 3.2, et voilà! BTW, iPFG is also included and something called PFG (if someone knows what it is?).
For the moment, I’ve installed Target on a virtualbox PC running windows XP on my MacBook. It’s running smoothly , but as I haven’t yet an Icube, I could not test the connection to the HA on that particular platform. Has anybody done it?
Mabe I’ll bring my mac to my audio and try there…
Thanks for the update. After downloading half of it, it timed out. Attempts to resume with my ftp software failed. I gave up and purchased the software on eBay. Just noticed your location. I had the privilege of visiting. What a beautiful place.!
Sorry for the late reply, I wasn’t getting notified for the thread!
Frantz: I managed to download more than 70% using FDM (File Download Manager) but it was still going so slow, didn’t try to resume yet, I’m not impressed with the server!, wouldn’t be surprised if the link is removed soon! but I’m glad you finally made it!
I decided to wait as my Audi informed me that Target software should be provided for free with my iCube purchase! not quite sure about this yet, I should have it sometime next week!
Hi! Yes , it was indeed incredibly slow… I did some poking onthe ftp server there, and definitely, there is only one access at a time allowed… worldwide…
So if your download stops for any reason, and someone else is starting it, you’re e out of luck. A detail may help: even in India, people do not work on sundays, and my successful download happened between saturday evening-sunday morning (Bombay time).
Good luck!
PS I also do not receive notification, although they are checked, must be some trouble on the board’s smtp server
I’m not sure why it was different for me, I was able to resume the previous download successfully which was at 40%, I am using FDM (Free Download Manager) which normally tries 10 simultaneous connections however, it seems only 5 connections were successful as the bars in the image below indicates. Speed was still slow though which confirms server limit, I had an average of 70 to 75k, max I saw was 92k/sec
As you have mentioned, the file contains the following folders:
- CDBrowser
- iPFG
- Phonak Target
- Phonak Target Media
I haven’t installed it yet but I am assuming the most important would be Phonak Target, which is around 400MB only!
Congratulations! Happy to know you did it… Yes, target is not really big, but if you haven’t yet installed it on your computer, you’ll need the microsoft .NET framework (free download), which is about 500Mo, I think.
I browsed a little the rest, and you’ll probably never need big part of it:IPFG is for older HAD (and is already downloadable from all the Phonak webs). Phonak Target Media contain lots of sound samples, and also some tutorials,CD browser is,you know what? A cd browser and it seems PFG is a sort of patient database.
For the target installation: just answer yes to the defaults and, when it asks for a registration number, leave what is in the field (I’m not sure anymore wether it is “phonak” or “target”…)
Phonak Target on mac os:
Has anybody some experience on using target on a mac (in virtualbox or bootcamp)?
Installation & standalone run in virtualbox is OK, I wonder if it will be able to communicate with the Icube (which I haven’t bought yet)
Hi Frantz,
I’m also looking for just the target software.
I successfully programmed my previous phonak audeo yes’s on ipfg2 so want to have a go with target and adjust my new audeo q90s for myself.
I have an Icube.
If there is any way to get the target file that would be great!
Thank you,
Hi getting software is very easy in india , I know few dealers they provide it you can mail them ,email to Ask for the latest software ,original one.
Hi, I’m looking into self-programming and thought to first try the Target software for a bit before buying an iCube or HI-PRO to get a bit of a feeling, but it seems it is almost impossible to get the software. I tried to get it from the from the phonakindia ftp for a few days but it seems very busy. Is there someone that was able to get it that could help me with it in some other way? Thanks, very interesting to read these forums!
Hello Enyan and welcome to the forums, please check your inbox
It may be less convienient but it would be best to get a hi pro and cables. Then you have choices beyond phonak later.
If there is anybody else looking for the Phonak Target software, you should be able to get it from this link:
Once installed, you can download the media/sounds/updates/etc from the updates section of the software.
Well I am looking to buy a Phonak hearing aid. I have had the phonak now obsolute, but still I found it very very good, the only thing was that I had keep going to the dispenser to get it re-programmed and also the sound turned up so I would like to be able to program my own, that would be great.
would anyone know how to get the addon’s to be able to program the brio range of hearing aids by any chance
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would anyone know how to get the addon’s to be able to program the brio range of hearing aids by any chance
Don’t want to sound patronising, but at a Costco is likely to be your only answer. Individual practices will never be allowed to program these aids due to the level of protectionism demanded by the closed supply arrangements used by the big firms like Costco.
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Don’t want to sound patronising, but at a Costco is likely to be your only answer. Individual practices will never be allowed to program these aids due to the level of protectionism demanded by the closed supply arrangements used by the big firms like Costco.
I’ll buy that for a dollar! Anyone ever hear of this before?
Maybe I should be more clear. Clicking an a (.exe) link as suggested by new user Enyan is a very good way to install a virus on your computer. Does anyone know whether that post is a virus or not?
Yep, it works for me too. The link downloads another .exe file (takes about an hour or so) and that .exe file installs the software. After running the software you can use the update Tab to update software, media, and sounds.
The download from India works too. Though it takes a long, long time to download (maybe twelve hours or so). Then you have to find the setup.exe file.