Phonak Target Software... Last try before I give up

Sure, but don’t forget you’ll need the correct programming device as well.

You need the iPFG software for these which is very old and available on the Phonak website.

You also need an unlock code but we don’t have that for the much older Nathos.

You would also need the first generation iCube and NOT the iCube II.

Your Nathos UP W are the old Core Generation Phonak Naida V UP which came out in 2008.


Hi tenkan,
I have noahlink wireless and phonak Audeo marvel m90r that i need to reprogram but I need the Target software can you help me please

Sure, but you should have a read of the target software before jumping in.

Hi, could I also get the link for Phonak Target also? I have a noahlink wireless on the way ready to go.

Sure, great you have your Noahlink wireless on the way.

Check out the target user guide as well.

Hey can you send it to me as well, I have the Noahlink wireless on the way as well, thanks

Sure, check out the target user guide as well.

Can you send me the link as well. I have ordered the Noahlink. Thanks!

Welcome to the forum, great you have your NW already, don’t forget to check out the target user guide as well.

Sorry for the delay answering for some personal reasons I have been away.
I got the software from the Pirate Bay as a torrent about nine months ago, it was version 5.4, I believe that I no longer have but the one installed on my PC has been updating to version 8.3 now, but the downloaded 8.3 cannot be installed on another PC, is asking for a serial number.
Anybody has one?

Sorry I’m not sure what your asking about, your talking about Phonak Target software? If so it can be installed on any PC without a code or serial number.

No, the copy of Phonak Target software 8.3, downloaded by updating to 8.3 and copied to USB stick cannot be installed on my Asus Laptop I5 16gb ram is asking for a serial number.

Ok I see, well I haven’t come across this problem myself, but why not just download a fresh copy directly onto your Asus laptop, that will sort everything out for you.

Please help. Looking for Phonak Target for Mum’s Paradise P70s

Welcome to the forum,ok so there’s been some changes on the forum recently and we’re here to help as best we can, so first thing is you’ll also need the Noahlink wireless programming device for your DIY projects.

Would you like to describe the issues your mum is having and what you intend to do?

Check out the target user guide as well, very handy information.

I’m with you. I’m about to pull my hair out trying to find the Software. I purchased a new pair of Phonak L90s and after 3 weeks I gave up on them. They had a “Static” type noise that the Audiologyst couldn’t make go away. I returned them and purchased a pair of Phonak L70s and had the same problem. The local Audi could not get rid of the Static, so I returned them. My old Phonak M70s work great, but need to cranked up due to my hearing dropping over the past 3 yrs. I’ve given up on the local guy and was going to purchase a programmer… but CAN’T FIND the software!!! It’s just frustrating. If I could do it myself, I could play with it until i got the best results. These Hearing aid mfgs all sell to Online dealers, but trying to get things “tuned” up for your specific loss in a problem. A little here and a little there, this week then two weeks down the road… by the time they make any headway your return date is up and you are stuck with them. Just make the software available and be done with it! We are not ALL idiots.

Hi there, I’m sure lots of people will agree, do check out the target user guide here, and do get the Noahlink wireless programming device for your DIY projects.

Hello. I read my last post, and I must say that my comment about not all being idiots is poorly times for me. I think that I must be one of the idiots. I bought a new Noahlink wireless, and downloaded the Phonak 8.1.2 software. I am able to pair my Phonak M70-R hearing aids, and have finally been able to make adjustments to Program that is shown to be on the aids. However. I can’t hear any change in sound as I make the changes in the software, and I can NOT figure out how to apply my changes to the hearing aids. DUH! Sorry to be so dumb… I wish I could find a button that say “apply changes”. Can someone tell me how to make the changes apply? TNX

Hi there, did you read the target user guide, its save and exit, you then get the option to save to HA’s and database.

Check out the guide.