Phonak Target 6.2 (factory reset gose wrong)

Hello All, During the reset to factory settings, something went wrong with the left bolero B70-PR. Now I keep getting the message that I need to reset it or do a firmware update. If I try to do that, it gives an error message. Now I just read that this might be solved with Target 6.2 (I use 9.0.5). Does anyone happen to have that??

Thanks in advance

@Kalevent68 , please check your private messages

Problem has been solved. luckily he’s doing it again.
Thanks for your help

How was it solved?
Did you need to use the older Target version? Or was it possible with several attempts to retry using the latest version?
I think this would be interesting for others. In case this happens to somebody else.

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Kalevent68 received and installed a copy of Phonak Target 6.2 and with this he could successfully perform the factory reset on his left Bolero B70-PR

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