It does not support direct modify of CR, you can modify CR indirectly by adjusting G50,G65, and G80.
You can also modify the compression under global tuning to change CR, but the CR of all programs will change accordingly.
Some of my experience:
You can adjust 4 different music types of gain under Fine tuning- Music program- Audibility fine tuning-Sound category-Sound type, this is easier to understand than directly adjusting the gain under Fine tuning-Music program-Gain&MPO.
When the compilot and PC are connected via the AUX cable, the sounds quality is better than connected by BT.
I found that the sounds quality of DSL v5a adult fitting formula was good, but changing fitting formulas would affect all programs.
If I changing the compression type under Global tuning to semi linear or linear, sound quality will improves, but changes can affect all programs.
Hi menglxs, Zebras has directed here from another post - that’s why I didn’t post earlier.
You are right, changes in basic adjustments CAN affect all programs. But it needs not to do so. You can change basic settings but don’t let “Target” to recalculate the fitting parameters. Then you have the old properties for all present programs.
If you add a new program or instruct a specific program within “finetuning” to recalculate, then that program/s will receive the new properties from the basic tunings.
Btw: I have an S-slope hearing loss. Linear amplification is a bad idea.
Linear amplification may be worth to try if one has almost the same loss on all frequencies.
Thank you for the link.
Fun-fact from the pdf (page 4): Patient reports: “I can hear people far away better than I can hear people close to me.” Solution: reduce soft-sounds.
The result is: You no longer can hear people far away as good as you did before, it is worse.
I am sorry, you are right
I haven’t tried “linear compression” ever before. In the past I always made just minor changes to the basic adjustments and always accepted Target’s ask for recalculation of my finetuning. Why the hel. am I asked if Target changes the adjustments anyway
Or is this a change from Target 5.2 to 5.3?
For linear compression only in the music program you “just” have to manually set the same values for G50,G65 and G80 at a specific frequency. But that is what you already know.
I don’t change anything on the tab “TK/Gain for 35dB” - each frequency is already set at the maximum value and that is what I want to have, because I want to hear as much as possible: leafs in the tree in the wind, birds chirping, folding the newspaper etc… In my last post I was just smiling because of a specific cusomer’s question asked in the PDF. The recommendation was to reduce gain for very silent input. The effect is that you no longer understand people who are far away.
Well I have managed to get the CR to 1.0, just on my music program. It’s taken me about 2 hours to adjust each G number and channel.
I’ve also turned off WhistleBlock and everything else.
Music is sounding good now.
EDIT - I couldn’t adjust each channel independently with my old Phonaks. When I tried it on my old Phonaks, I would highlight a channel / G number and it would also adjust the channel either side to it.
Do you believe it’s because of your new aids or because of the new version of Target? My last post was with Target 5.3, meenwhile it is at least at 6.x
With my Bolero B90’s and Target 6.x there is still a dependence on the neighboring channels. Luckily, you can switch the graph to Compression Ratio and you get better at it in time. Although I find CR 1 quite challenging, I get it at 1.2 quite fast, (<2min). The recommendation is at/below 1.3. Why do you go all the way to 1.0m @Zebras?
I don’t know if it makes a difference but my friend who is profoundly deaf and also a self programmer. She said her music program is at CR 1.0 and she finds it a lot better. Her job is a professional musician.
CR 1.0 gets too loud with the piano for me. But I find loud sound quickly painful (>90dB) , so that could be just me and the piano.
How about amplification per channel? Chasin says most musicians prefer a one channel setup: Basically all the frequencies with nearly the same amplification. With my cookie bite profile, that was impossible. However, since my profile is starting to level out in the last few years, this starts to be an option. Do you or your friend have experience with that?