Phonak Spice

Can any of the audis on this forum confirm that Phonak has a firmware update for the Spice chips? If that is the case, what are the bugs it fixes?

My Audiologist checked for me this past week and here is what he wrote:
“I checked with Phonak and the software upgrade (he means firmware update) only addresses one issue with only the Ambra hearing aid, that being that some users were noting a “chirping” quality to the sound which the software upgrade addresses. Also, it adds on the capability to use the Spice hearing aids in a CROS or BICROS mode which does not apply to your configuration. So it would seem that this software upgrade is really not relevant to your hearing aids (Smarts) as far as I can tell. Hope this provides some clarification.”
xxxxx xxxxxx, M.S. CCC-A
Audiologist, xxxxxxx

Third fitting. Thursday Feb 10

Wanted to work on the Zoom programs to make them work better. Wanted to confirm suspicion that i need a shorter speaker wire which will happen after i actually decide to buy. Made sure we were on most recent Target and firmware update.
Explained that my iPhone may be the culprit that is creating a problem interfering with DuoPhone signal processing when i move the phone around my ear. Used a friends Samsung flip phone, worked fine with very good clarity. Have not resolved what to do about this little problem.
Told the Audie about a imbalance, i was hearing a very soft low frequency sound more in my left hearing aid than my right. Also informed Audie that when i knock on a table the right aid is crisp, higher and clear. The left is muted and compressed sounding.
But before we hooked up the aids i pleaded for the sake of my peace of mind to make sure the coupling, and earmould numbers were inputed before running the feedback manager. He ran the feedback mgr. again before starting with my above concerns. Don’t know if it was done right the first time.

So far after this session these hearing aids are really working great. There is a profound difference from before yesterdays appt. So much easier listening. Music sounds better. Voices sound more natural and clear. I am now thinking about turning the Soundrecover back up next fitting. Did not fully test the zoom programs much yet, but i hear improvement.
I was thinking how great my experience is this saturday while driving up the road with these Smarts. I was not worrying about having them set up the best they can be and worrying about justifying the expense. Thinking how comfortable they are.
Then i decided to see how the zooms work while in my vehicle in different programs. While cycling through programs, my right hearing aid became stuck in one program again and did not respond to my PilotOne remote. My remote was not out of reach. Pulled over and restarted Aid. This is the third time this happened in four weeks. I should not have to pay for this hearing aid if i decide to to get the Phonak Smarts.

Has anyone had problems with your spice aids not responding to commands when cycling through programs, then having to reboot them to get them going?

Sounds like a faulty aid to me. Get it swapped out for a new aid. I have fitted hundreds of these and have yet to encounter what you are describing.

Software “upgrade” is a great opportunity for the manufacturers to fix missed problems.

jordanK and others. It is indeed shameful that some audi’s have not acquired the programming expertise required to properly fit the Smarts. when an individual is spending the kind of money that Phonak is asking its criminal that their so called professional hasn’t received extensive training on the software to properly do the job. If it wasnt for the knowledge I’ve gained from this site i wouldnt be getting half the performance that I am now…simply unacceptable!!

Can you please double-check/confirm that? I was in my audi’s office Wednesday, when he called Phonak Canada asking about this, and they don’t know anything about it.

According to my audi "The current firmware version for the Ambra and Solana SP hearing aids is 1.1.4".
He’s fitted several Spices already, but I’ll be his first (BI)CROS. He suggest the Solana, since the extra Ambra features are a waste with a CROS.
Initial fitting scheduled for Mar 2.

What my Audiologist told me confirmed what others have said. As for my understanding…
When the computer goes online , if there is any software updates it will update either automatically or my your Audiologist’s command.
Whenever your aids get wired to the software, Target will see any firmware update for your aids. I am not a expert and do not have knowledge of CROS or BICROS HA’s. Ask a board Audiologist your concerns.

hope this helps

Can anyone confirm if the mic volume on the Icom is adjustable. People have trouble hearing me through the Icom. I thought I read here someplace that it was but my audi claims it is not and her phonak rep says it is not.


You have to be close to the phone to get max volume,The instructions also say to hold the mic close to your mouth if the volume is low.

To those Hearing aid specialist’s on the board a question.
What do those numbers and letters mean inside the battery housing?
1048 06c3… left HA
1048 06ax… right HA

Those are what is inside my Smart S Aids.
Appreciate it.

Those are your serial numbers

Curious if you can glean any info from those serial numbers like date of manufacture, a matched set whatever.
I just got my aids back today and checked the serial numbers to see of they changed the internals. Nope they did not.
I needed to get the # 1 receivers wires since they were too long… sent back because i have the soft C-shells which is molded around the receivers. And… the HA’s and the PilotOne remote were also supposively sent back because of my complaints. Thought my Audie said they replaced the Amps, may have misunderstood. Same serial numbers.
Oh by the way when programming the remote you need to remove the battery first, there is a warning but its not very visible. There was something wrong with it and was fixed because it became intermittent or unresponsive just a few times. Hopefully all will be ok now.
I just want all to be well and go my merry way. Trialling HA’s should be a easier experience. @ $6000 its stressful, but StereoZoom is a very good tool for me and worth it i guess.

Thanks Hearnow

The serial numbers remain the same regardless of repair. The only time it is swapped is if the whole aid is swapped over. I am unaware of coding in the serial number, but we have been receiving 1049… Most recently.

The year/month coding is the same across the sonova group: 1004 indicates a build from last April, etc. That is different from when they are shipped and the invoice date for warranty.

Ok. I asked my Audie to clarify what actually Phonak did to my HA’a and yes He said they did swap out the aids. He explained that Phonak is the only company that re-uses the initial serial # assigned to a client except when that aid is lost. In the case of it being lost, a new serial number is given. My Audie explained that for accounting and record keeping purposes the original serial number is etched on the new swapped Internals. My thoughts—>Maybe in my case because i am still on a trial period.

It has been explained that HA’s are not worked on as far removing and replacing parts of the unit now-a-days most of the time, i imagine especially for the small Rite HA’s the unit is simply replaced. My Audie deals with at least 5 HA brands and i dont think he is pulling my leg (figure of speech). So what do you think?

I should have kept my concerns off the board and used private emails to the experts here.
So i emailed Phonak directly and here is the response 1 hour later…
Dear Mr. McMaster:

Thank you for visiting the Phonak website and for your inquiry. Your audiologist is correct. If a custom product is remade, it retains the original serial number. This enables Phonak to track the complete history of the product.

Thank you,

xxxx xxxxxx
Phonak-US Consumer Desk
Phonak LLC

I’m trying very hard to like the Smart S IX’s, but so far I’m unable to adjust the unnatural “buzz” from certain voices (I have Target software and am pretty versatile with it). It’s definitely a deal-killer; does any guru here have some specific ideas about what to look at? (BTW, the Agil Pro’s have no such issue).

I had my 3rd hearing test in as many weeks today it was suggested that I go for Spice 9 with bicros but I’ve noticed that theirs a 3 & a 5 so should I go for the 9 or will 3 or 5 work as good!

Save some money and go with the 3 or 5 models of the Smart. A number of features of the model 9 are not usable with a bicros as a second aid such as Stereo zoom,auto zoom and duophone.