Phonak Spice

What is a CROS variant?

Full time Zoom Control can reduce battery life to 2 days … which I have heard is the main reason why Phonak haven’t released a CROS variant.

Hello ED,

Do you think a Phonak Cros Link will work in my case if I use Naida V UP in my right ear? I have been weighing my options if I should upgrade my Micropower V on right ear to Ambra or just shift my Naida V UP from my left ear to my right ear then buy the Phonak Cros Link. Would appreciate your opinion on this. :slight_smile: Thanks.

:frowning: Today I was fitted with a pair of Audeo S Smarts with power x receiver. Audie had allowed an hour for me. I had worked out how the Remote Control was to be programmed from comments (especially JordanK) which I had formed from this thread. I asked for “mute” to be one of them - Audie says to me “No” you can’t have it. I said yes I could and she then rang Phonak and yes I could have it. I asked her to run Feedback Manager - she said she had done that when she programmed the aids yesterday…mmmmm - I thought this had to be done when I was wearing them. I could only understand about 50% of what she was saying to me and I told her I wasn’t happy with the sounds at all as my old micropowers were much clearer than these new ones. Upshot was she ran out of time and so I left the aids there and will go back again tomorrow and she will try and program them so I can understand what she is saying. I was very disappointed as I had ordered these aids in November and it has taken until now for them to be supplied by Phonak. For the amount of money that I am paying with no help from the Govt. I would have expected a bit more time and satisfaction. And NO before someone tells me to change Audies, when you live in a country town one doesn’t have a lot of choice. :frowning:

BTW my last hearing test was in March 2010 - I would have thought that I should have had one today before the aids were programmed.

You are right about the feedback manager having to be run first with the aids in your ear. It is also very important that the audio coupling and vent size be entered accurately. March of 2010 is probably recent enough to be close to you current hearing ability. I wouldn’t worry too much about that, but I would ask her to go with the Target default settings initially. That should be enough to get you started and even an inexperienced audiologist can do that much in a short period of time.

I can imagine your disappointment after having had waited as long as you did. You would think the audiologist would allow more time for a fitting, considering it was her first time. I am sorry you had such a negative experience.

You are right that the feedback manager is designed to be run in your ear, otherwise it is completely useless and would also be part of the reason you cannot hear as it would have restricted gain immensely if the feedback manager was run outside the ear. Ask her to turn off SoundRecover BEFORE running the feedback manager as I have recently learned that it’s interaction wth the feedback manager can create some acustic artifacts (this will apparently be fixed in target 1.1 due early Feb).The audi might also want to increase the MPO’s on these aids to increase volume for you. Also ask her to perform real ear verification while fitting as this will give her much more information as to whether you are actually hearing what you should or not.

An audiogram done in March should still be suitable, but you might ask her for a screening audiogram if you are concerned.

Surely Ambras would be a better option here. The power RIC is going to struggle on an existing user even with a custom Dome. Not enough oomph IMHO.

True, but if you followed DaisyD’s previous post (Sujadon) then you would see Ambras were discussed as well, but the audi thought that Smart S IX with SP receivers could be comparable to the micropowers previously worn.

And I have tried BTE (Siemens) and I absolutely hated them. Will see how things go today when I have another appointment. Hopefully I will at least come home with them :eek:

I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you

I am about to throw my hands in the air and give up!!! Just had a call from Audie and she is sick today and has rescheduled appointment now for next Monday :mad:

I share your fustration. I got fitted nov 23rd. Audie didnot know how to program stereo zoom and autozoom and duo phone. One week later he failed again and left me on soundflow auto till this past Monday when I fired him.
Went to Sonus and tues got fitted with custom shells and new smarts. Audio at Sonus did the REM. Speechmapping. And feedback mgr. DoIng much better. Have all the programs loaded mostly default target.
All done in 1 hour.
Sent from my iphone

Does anyone know if it is possible to completely turn off the offside microphone in Acoustic Phone mode? Second question, what does the “DirectTouch” selection do in the Acoustic Phone mode when selected?

I cannot believe you misfortune, I feel so sorry for you.

My understanding from my visit to the Audie is that direct touch is supposed to allow you to use the telephone on either side of your head. When the HAs detect the magnet on the telephone speaker, the HAs should direct sound in the appropriate direction (i.e. if you use the phone on the right side, sound should be directed to your left HA and vice versa).

You can also ask the Audie to give preference to the left or right ear should you have a preference using the telephone on either side in the same programming screen.

I found out that the magnet in some telephones is not powerful enough to set off the direct touch mechanism.

Lastly if Direct Touch is enabled (and Duo Phone is one of your programs), i believe you can activate it in either direction by pressing the button on the HA on the appropriate side (so if you activate it on the left HA, sound will be directed to the right HA and vice versa).

I had Direct Touch turned off as my iPhone does’t set it off and I always use the phone on the left side. Grateful if someone can confirm the explanation above.

Its all good

I have been wearing HA’s since 1998 (started with CICs and now on my second set of BTEs). Over the last few months I have spent quite a bit of time reading the posts on this forum and have found them to be extremely helpful. Thanks to all who have posted their experiences here.

Yesterday, I was fitted with a new set of Ambra MicroP BTEs. These were in replecement of my Oticon Epoq BTEs. In addition to the HAs, I am also using the myPilot, iCom and TV Link. All seem to be working as I hoped they would. Armed with a number of posts from this forum, I asked my audi to program DuoPhone, Stereo Zoom, Zoom Control and Music. I also have the mute activated as another manual selection. I like the Auto mode and have fallen in love with Stero Zoom. I have not yet had an opportunity to use Stereo Zoom in a noisy environment, but will probably have a chance in a day or two. In auto mode, no tweaks were made and it has the default programming (again, as suggested in this forum).

Now for my questions:

  1. When streaming from the TV Link to the iCom and HAs, the sound is very tinny, with very little bass. I have noticed the same with my iPhone streaming music through the iCom. Are there any recommended tweaks to give the sound more bass (a fuller, richer sound)?

  2. After a phone call today with my iPhone 4, the iPod program began streaming music after the call was completed. This was quite a surprise. Is there a setting that would prevent the automatic activation and streaming of music?

  3. I had Sound in Noise left off the program list as many here did not find it very useful. Any comments regarding whether I should at least have it added in an empty slot to try?

  4. Does anyone see an advanteage to using the “Calm” program as a manual selection?

I’m sure I will have other questions as I continue to use these new HAs and appreciate everyone’s input.

I’m confused about you comment on streaming of music on your ipod after you finished talking on the iphone. The iCom can pair to several different Bluetooth devices and phone is highest priority. The iPod would have to have been transmitting the music for the iCom to pick it up after the call ended and send it to you. There is nothing that I know of in the iCom to peush the iPod start playing.


I’m not sure why it started playing the music. I was using the iCom to make a call with my iPhone 4. I had not been playing music (In fact, I had not played music at all today before it did this). After I ended the call, I heard music in the HAs and discovered that the iPod program built in to the iPhone 4 was streaming music through the iCom. I did not touch the phone before it started doing this. The streaming of music began without any apparent user input. Strange, but true. I have only paired the iCom with my iPhone 4 and no other device.

  1. I had this problem after the audi adjusted some of the programs for the iCom manually. Full sound returned when we reset them to the Target recommended settings.

  2. This happens to me also with my iPhone 4. I find that if the iPod program is still in memory it will start playing after a phone call even it I have previously placed it on pause.

  3. The Speech-in-Noise has more aggressive noise canceling in SoundFlow then when programmed in manual; therefore I have left it out of a manual slot.

  4. I have SoundFlow (the automatic program) tweaked to provide better speech comprehension. Because of this I had “Calm” programmed in manual set to the Target recommended settings when I want to hear fuller sounds and am not concerned about speech comprehension.

That’s very helpful. Thanks for your comments. I will have to remember to remove the iPod app from memory after I use it.