Phonak Roger remote mics (receiver-licenses)

Thanks for getting me clear on the Roger devices & receiver-licenses:
I had a used Roger Select which I unfortunately lost and with my return to using Costco KS10s (similar to Phonak Paradise) I am looking at Roger mic replacements. Where needed, please correct my “understanding.” I expect I am overly concerned about some of the things below, but prefer to be safe than sorry.

I am trying to figure out if I still “own” any Roger receiver-licenses. Before just having Costco send my KS10s to Phonak to replace rechargeable battery, I used Target software to save the programming in HAs to Target. Looking at that session now under “Device Options” at far left column it shows:
Roger receiver
R: (03) installed
L: (03) installed
#1A I assume the receivers above are “associated-linked” with each hearing aid and unless I actively transfer/move such receiver they remain “associated-linked,” correct?

#1B Am I correct that when Phonak replaces the rechargeable battery that activity will not interfere with the KS10 “associated-linked” receivers?
OR, do I need to have Costco alert Phonak to the Roger receiver information? {I’d hope that Phonak would be smart, but since Costco does NOT sell Roger mics, a Phonak tech might incorrectly assume that my KS10s do not have receivers.

#2 Checking on Ebay for used Roger Table mic II; or Roger ON; it seems that the receiver-license requirements might be different than was/is true for Roger Select, correct???
Bottom line ? is: Would I have all that I need, if I purchased a Table mic II or Roger ON piece of hardware and only the hardware came with a receiver-license for it? While I know that the remote mic will only work with KS10s if they also have receiver-license, but I am hoping that I already have them from my now defunct-lost Roger Select experience.

Again, thanks in advance in getting me clear. I’ll ask ?s about which Roger mic option might be more affordable and fit my needs separately so that each thread has a narrower focus and thus hopefully be more useful to other members.

Edit only to try to remove excessive use of Bold font.

Yes you do.

I would. Another member PM me saying that his hearing aids had come back from Phonak and his licenses had disappeared. Best to be on the safe side.

No as long as you choose a Roger iN Mic, any license that came from another iN will be transferred. I’ve transferred licenses in to different iN Microphones.

Roger On iN
Roger Table Mic II iN

And so on……


@Zebras Much thanks yet I’m not fully clear. If I understand your initial reply, Your bottom line to me is: purchase the “IN” variant (as I need 2 licenses to - unlock/activate the existing Roger receivers in Costco KS10s.

My confusion, perhaps you’d be kind enough to clear up …
I purchased KS10s new, and as I understand it they have built in a “Roger receiver - as 1 forum person wrote, a placeholder.” I bought the Roger Select from Ebay and I believe in order for it to work with my KS10s it would have to have been purchased with 2 licenses. correct?

#A To my original ? in OP “do I still own any Roger receiver-licenses?” you wrote YES.

#B As you suggest I will have Costco alert Phonak that my KS10s sent in for battery replacement have licensed activated. Your suggestion is consistent with your YES answer.
If I did NOT have licenses, would Target show instead of the current - R: (03) installed - would show R: (03) unlicensed? If I understand KS10, they always have RECEIVER installed; so clearer language would be it is either activated/licensed OR unactivated/unlicensed.

#C Here is, I believe, my confusion: Why do I need the “ON” variant? It seems that I already have two Roger licenses that cold be used for example with a Roger ON that’d only be purchased with the mic hardware having 1 license in it.

======= Bonus area =======
My understanding which I hope is approximately correct? The Roger system consists of:
(1) hardware mic
(2A) a Receiver option … built into KS10 aids, but is just a placeholder
(2B) a Receiver option … e.g. hardware extension clipped to end of some HAs
There are also it seems other Receiver options
(3) Licensing for any MIC or any Receiver. Unless (1) or (2A, 2B) is licensed it will NOT function.
If you “own” license(s) in many cases, it can be moved so that it’d now activate another device.
In some circumstances, an owner of license(s) can sell that license as a stand alone - NOT connected/married to a deivce - to someone else.
If this is approximately correct, then Phonak could/should create a simple diagram with bubble comments to describe the elements in the system, how they relate, and the various pathways for having functionality that is Active.

P.S. I read thru most of the other very recent thread essentially on same Roger confusion, and ended up feeling confused. Phonak should pay you and other forum members for cleaning up the mess they have created and continue to perpetuate, and for which they charge obscene amounts of money, yet the technology is mostly fantastic and a necessity for some of us.

@Edma Roger licenses are something like a key that you will put inside a roger direct.

Since you have target and it shows that you already installed 2 licenses, then any roger item will work, assuming the licenses are the right version (1740 upward, if I am not wong).
See @Zebras post, yes you do have roger licenses installed inside the KS10 for both right and left hearing aids.

What is missing from my point of view, is pairing your roger select to your KS10.

You could check youtube on pairing:

Apart from that, you are good to go.

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@Baltazard Much thanks. I lost my Roger Select. I recall reading forum posts before buying from Ebay and the need for a version >1740ish (I think it might actually be 1744).

However given that I have licenses in KS10s already it seems that I should contrary to Zebras bottom line recommendation, I should be buying the less expensive Roger ON with only a license for the mic hardware; and not his suggested Roger ON In which would include 2 licenses for the KS10s.

As you wrote, I already have two “keys” so my KS10 receivers are “installed/unlocked/activated” versus just being a placeholder and dormant. capacity.

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@Edma Sorry you’ve lost your roger select.
Ideally a roger ON iN if you can find a cheap one, otherwise get either a roger ON or a roger select.

Since Target is showing:

That means you already have the licenses; What you need is a either a roger ON or a select.

Here is an example showing roger receiver installed:

And an example where they aren’t installed:

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@Baltazard That is what I had thought (I do NOT need the “IN” variant) and so was surprised by Zebras who also seems to have a lot of experience like yourself saying I needed the “IN” variant.

It is crazy challenging to get clear and stay clear on the Roger system.

Your images of installed and not installed are what I had imagined. In my first post I noted in words what I see in Target so as I expected I definitely have two licenses.

Again thanks.

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@Edma I think @Zebras was conservative (not the rotten uk party me thinking), but it is preferable to have a roger on iN so you can transfer the licenses in the future if you decide to move away from KS10 to phonak lumity.
Also, if you can find a cheap one online, that would be ideal.

How did you transfer the licenses from the roger select to the KS10?

Not sure why Sonova/Phonak made it that convoluted to use their roger ecosystem, as if they want people to have a PhD for them to use their system, I don’t roger that.

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If you were to purchase this from ebay , you would have a roger on that would work with your current aids

If you were to purchase this on , you would have unit that would work with your current aid … and have the ability to transfer your receiver/licenes to the ON IN and then transfer them to a new set of Phonak HA,s in the future .

If you were to purchase this from ebay , you would have a working roger ON IN with two receiver/licenses for the next pair of phonak HA,s that you purchase. and still be able to use the current aids as backup.

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I will ask for the serial number before any purchase and check it in target, also, I would ask if the roger on hold charge, otherwise, you will need to factor in a battery replacement and repair fees.

The US $415.00 seem a good choice, since it’s only +$100 extra.

These are my listing and I will accept a return if there is trouble with any of them


And why you didn’t say so.
But, I will never let you in :smile:

That user name was created many years ago when I had trouble with Ebay … and NEVER wanted to use it again … then later change my mind :grin:

I do NOT know the history of these units … so they may not have warranty with Phonak, as any used items you purchase on ebay …

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The reason for getting a Roger iN from eBay or somewhere else is so you can take out the licenses from your hearing aids if needed.

Otherwise they are stuck!

Obviously there are lots of iN Roger without licenses installed on eBay.

Sorry, I didn’t explain in a huge amount of detail as to why getting another iN version would be good.

I was talking about transferring the licenses back and forth in my previous post.

My Step Mum got a Roger On iN without licenses for £55 off eBay, which is around $80.

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THANK YOU ALL. I will read in detail slowly later so I truly understand what having a “stuck” license means and why it is probably worth spending some extra money to NOT be stuck.

Sounds like if you have a “stuck” license it is married to one device (until death do us part). If a license is unstuck then it is “portable,” and allows for serial monogamy.

Phonak has good prod line with Roger but a horrible customer torturing biz model! Thank goodness for very knowledgeable forum members.

If I am understanding correctly in addition to all of the other elements that have variants, there are at least 2 variants of licenses - married-dedicated versus transportable.

If this is correct, how can I tell if the two licenses I have in KS10s from the Ebay Roger Select are transportable?

Seems like Phonak has it set up that in addition to creating confusion, they also create some user pathways that would be dead ends e.g. can’t move to new HAs with existing Roger device and/or license.

Edit to add:
PS @Zebras I believe I now understand why you suggested “IN” variant (especially if not too much more money) as while NOT a necessity as @Baltazard noted; doing the “IN” variant wold avoid a dead end.

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@Edma You forgot a 3rd option:

Runaway bride :slight_smile:

On a serious note:
If you get a roger on iN version, then you can move the licenses from your KS10 to the roger on iN then to any phonak paradise or lumity hearing aids in the future, otherwise you will need a sort of PhD to recover them licenses from your KS10, hence why @Zebras suggested a roger on iN as best option.
In nutshell, if you have the $$$ get the roger on iN even if it doesn’t contain any licenses (since you’ve already got 2 inside your KS10), otherwise, get the roger ON.
If you get a roger on iN with licenses in them, it’s even better, as you can use them on another KS10 or phonak paradise lumity hearing aids in the future. (sorry, repeat read delete)

So don’t worry too much, get what you can afford, as half the job is already done, you just need either the roger on or on iN, whichever is easier on your plastic card.

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Someone should write up a thesis on this subject, since it is asked so many time.
Then they can just send them a copy or post it to the next question about Phonak RECEIVER/LICENSES !

I think there are currently three active threads on this topic here.


@Edma please read what @Baltazard says, it explains in easier terms what I mean when I say stuck as you don’t have a Roger iN to get the licenses back out of your Aids if needed.

Stuck means you can’t get the licenses out of your KS10 due to not having a Roger iN.

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I’ve noticed some people need it explaining in different ways for them to fully understand.