The licenses are only a way of paying for basically Roger receivers like all other brands of HA/CI and BAHA, you just don’t have to wear the actual Roger receiver attached to your Aids or wear a Roger NeckLoop. It’s just basically built in but you’re having to pay for them still.
Which model do you have @Zebras ? And could you not get a compatible audio shoe and not the Roger X? I had the Naida V70 before the Marvels and I had a shoe which fitted, it did make the HA much bigger but it looked like one.
I’m just starting out with 2 Roger table mic IIs and a roger on as well.
The Roger on sounds great but there is no way it will work in a big room. Using the table mic IIs makes hearing the whole room effortless. Horses for courses I guess. I’d say table mic II for a big room.
Hi @sipho.ds I am still waiting for my mics to arrive.
From the user manual
11.1 Using multiple microphones
When Roger On is used with other microphones, it has to be worn by a talker on the chest. When you place Roger On on the table or when you hold it in your hand, it will mute automatically. Unmuting Roger On by a long press (2 seconds) on the center button will block the other microphones that are connected with the Roger On. Muting Roger On will reactivate the other microphones again.
5. Locking the microphone mode If you want to keep the Roger On in a specific microphone
mode independent on how it‘s positioned, press the function button repeatedly until you have reached the microphone mode you wish to lock the microphone in