@kurt13 The link is for you to check what Roger accessories you can link to your Phonak hearing aids and what type of roger X you will need (if you need a roger X).
If for example you select Roger Pen, you will need one of the item below (not all of them, just one will do ):
@Zebras maybe able to guide you.
Good luck
Not sure if you need a shoe for your HA:
I’m just starting out with 2 Roger table mic IIs and a roger on as well.
The Roger on sounds great but there is no way it will work in a big room. Using the table mic IIs makes hearing the whole room effortless. Horses for courses I guess. I’d say table mic II for a big room.
Here’s my aid setup:
Love the added purple.
I changed mine around yesterday.
These are my spare Aids but trying to get them set up really well so I’m wearing them to know what adjustments I need.
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