Phonak Paradise Rechargable will not power off or on

On a few occasions while using Target 7.0 the aids become disconnected. When I try to turn them off and then back on again, nothing happens. No red or green light. The only way I have been able to overcome this problem is to put them in the charger. When the yellow light starts blinking and they are taken out of the charger the green light is on solid and they will connect to Target. Any ideas what the problem may be? TIA for any help.

This has happened to me once. It’s a DIY question about sequencing of programming.

Thanks for moving the post. I’ll keep that in mind for the future.

Happened to my fitter once, during programming.
I’d say general bug in connection, but when it happens with battery version, you just open & close the door, so you’re resetting them whilst we notice when we cannot shut down rechargeables in their ordinary way. Only way to reset them then is to put them in charger.

Actually connection to target I find really flaky. My fitter had a better ratio of how many times he need to restart my aids, so I’m thinking it’s about the position of noahlink wireless on the table. At the beginning he had to move it towards me (was behind the monitor). I have mine on the side, I guess it would be better if it’s in front of me, but my screen is there. I just reset, usually twice - for initial connection and at least once more if tweaking lasts more than just a few minutes, eg when saving to the aids. Also, it’s better if I have aids out. So my guess is that my head is hindering the BT-like signal used for it.

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The one time I had a on/off issue I had made a number of changes in Target before connecting the aids. When the aids were connected they locked and Target sent a message the aids needed service or repair. Doing the aid button hold down for 5 seconds and putting them on the charger finally got them going again.

Since that issue I connect the aids to Target before making any changes in Target, have not had that on/off issue again.

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Thanks for all the replys. I have had this lock up when I was fitting my HSs and left the room which caused one or both HAs to become disconnected. When I returned to continue fitting I could not get reconnected and had to use the charger. Otherwise, I have had no trouble connecting my HAs to Target 7.0 and fitting them while I am wearing them.

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