Phonak Naida M70 & My Phonak app

I had asked Phonak UK about this losing the custom program I make, they referred me to who ever provided them! well the NHS I am sure will not be able to modify the app!

I did notice I was no longer logged in to app though it appears to work as normal, logging in does seem to keep custom programs for longer but will still disappear.

These are the screens where narrow/wide directionality, background noise, windstop and whistlestop etc can be adjusted. They’re on fine tuning/program options.

Hope this helps. Also, if they make any adjustments to your program, any custom programmes will disappear from the app. It might be worth noting what your adjustments are, when you’re make custom programmes. For example, with me it’s usually the “clarity” button, which is ‘mids’ up one (3dB), and highs up 2 (6dB). Your Audiologist could make you a specific program to reflect that?

Anyway, good luck.


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Thanks Peter, will take these to show next time go, if ever get an appointment, last was cancelled last minute. I do hope one day, we the users will get more control over the settings and be able to do ourselves. As my experience with private and NHS is they don’t know all the settings or features of all the different makes either.
For a noise reduction program all I want is one that stays there with noise reduction turned up high and for it be next to the automatic program, which I am sure they can do. As generally be on automatic for home and office and the ability to quickly switch to noise reduction one is all I want.

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Your screenshot shows that the estimated feedback line is massively reducing the highs in the music program.

Does music sound better now you’re ran the feedback test?

About the same. All much better since leaving the MPOs alone. I re-ran the feedback test, with my fingers over the vents. It didn’t give me an more headroom, which was strange. All much improved, but P90s still far better. I need to find a way to get G50 higher at 4k (I think). I was at a funeral, and very busy wake, yesterday. They actually did very well, so there isn’t much more needed.
