Phonak Naida M70 & My Phonak app

See the link I gave. That’s Apple support website, iirc.

iOS 15 or later

You can use Voice Isolation and Wide Spectrum on these devices:

  • iPhone XR, iPhone XS models, and later
  • iPad (8th generation) and later
  • All iPad Pro 11-inch models
  • iPad Pro 12.9-inch (3rd generation) and later
  • iPad Air (3rd generation) and later
  • iPad mini (5th generation) and later

Hope this clarifies the options.


Ah yeah I did get these options, though did say something like not compatible with headset meaning not work hearing aids.
I was more hoping for option be able to use the mic on the iphone for calls and not mics on hearing aids.
As previous quattros worked like this and found better for loud environments.

Isolated mode is using the phone mic and not the HA mics.



Set mine to same but need to try a call in louder place, but hope this works to for me be sorted then thanks!

Are we sure of this? In my first test of Isolated on a call just now, I did an A/B test and the callee said I sounded much better/clearer after I turned on Isolated. Then I covered the little holes on the bottom of the iPhone 11 Pro with my thumbs and she said it didn’t change my sound. Not the most rigorous test, but enough to generate an hypothesis.

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I read in another location what I wrote, but I suppose it might not be correct.

I’d propose making a call with connected HAs, but place the aids in a different room from the phone, where you would normally be connected and able to talk on the phone. Then you have sufficient separation to tell what is going on.


Yeah I only had a brief call yesterday with it set to isolation mode, and it sounded like to me was still hearing through mics on aids and the TV was still like just as loud sort thing.

As the mics on iphone or software must be far better than the mics on aids on can do, to in work have cheap headsets for teams and they focus on voices and block out so much like background office noise.

I’ve just walked further away from my phone then I did before and my friend could hear me through my hearing aids with Voice Isolation Mode on.

That’s a shame.

It was a good spot to see if can change, but it looks to me its just different processing of sound they pic up not the ability to select the HA mics or phone mics, which for me would sort the calls in noise issue.

As previous resounds used to hold phone up near mouth and I could then just mute or lower sounds aids picked up, I thought the whole hands free thing using mics on HA be amazing but its not in most situations for me unless in a quiet room.

Just to make sure whether your HA is picking up the sound/voice or the mobile phone is picking up the sound when you talked to your friend. Never generation HA, the mic in the HA is picking up the sound when you talk to the caller. Slightly older generation HA, the phone is picking up your voice and transmit to the caller.

Hi all, a more recent issue though maybe something audiologist did last time went.
When on iphone if looking at websites or Facebook or similar, they keep auto switching to Bluetooth/streaming, but never did before. I would need to click on said video if wanted to hear it.
This happens just when scrolling up/down, even on like amazon when shopping.

I know for phone calls I have it set to use hearing aids always, but cannot see how can stop this.


This happened to me on Facebook.

Had to go into App and turn off, “In App Sound”.

I don’t have Facebook now and have never used Amazon.

Hopefully someone will know the answer. :slight_smile:

Ah thanks yeah that works for Facebook, I know a setting they revised last time, was to mute mics on aids when streaming, but this was perhaps a bad idea, as it seems when scrolling vids etc are playing in ad’s or similar but because I have not tapped on there is no sound but the mics are muted so its like they are off for that 5-10 secs until close or scroll further.
Will get this turned back on next time go, it was all in the quest to try lower mic volume during call/streaming. For streaming though be better off doing through the phonak app.

These issues are more to do with the devices rather than the hearing aids.

Your HCP can make switching between programmes “manual” rather than “automatic”, so bluetooth would be selected by scrolling through your programmes, or in the app. This would stop the facebook “scrolling past a video” issue. I tried this, however, but I just found I was continually pressing the hearing aid buttons, and changed it back.

They can also adjust the streaming mic volume in the software. On first fit, mine are set at -6dB. I’ve not fiddled much with this, as the ambient volume seems to vary, depending on the source streaming volume.

Thanks Peter, I see yeah would still want it on automatic really as you say.

I tried to convey this to audiologist about the lower mic volume as been mentioned before in this thread, to lower to -6db but she didn’t seem to get it or see where.
Its the issue of the mics on aids needing to pick up the voice on a call, but they pick up to much back ground noise for me generally unless in a quiet room.
The option to switch to iPhone mic would be great as that worked so well on my Resound Quattro’s before. I guess this is due to the noise cancelling of the iPhone mic is so much better.

Still waiting for appointment to see Audiologist, Nhs does take time!

With the app and creating own programs, I create called say noise reduction, basically with noise reduction turned up high, and sometimes within and hour its gone, or if phone loses connection ear go the chime and its reverted back to automatic. Either way it never keeps my saved program, and I guess to move it to left only audiologist can do that’s if stays long enough!

Unfortunately the creating programs issue was not fixed for Mavel, only Paradise on the App.

Really, oh my so they just are not going to spend time/money on to update this for us. That is so annoying and really makes the ability to save on settings pointless.

I know an appointment might not be quick but maybe get an extra program put on to your HAs that has max noise reduction?


It’s annoying they stop supporting and ‘fixing’ bug issues with HAs that aren’t actually that old.

Do you have Speech in Loud Noise on your Aids already?
The beam is a lot more narrow so more noise is blocked out. I find it way too quiet even with all Noise Reduction turned off completely.

Yeah I am waiting to see Nhs one again, to switch back settings tried before for other issues.
But will ask for this to.
Yeah surely not that old and that is a big issue that cannot save these.

I do use speech in loud noise to, I like to use noise reduction for things like fan heaters etc it pretty much cuts out all those noises very well and still hear TV etc. I will ask for one to be put next to automatic so can switch between the 2.
On my Resound quattro’s to the main program was very good with reducing un wanted noises, these marvel though seem to pick up everything!