Phonak L90 vs L70 in noisy environments

L90 is supposed to help me to hear better in noisy or very noisy situations than L70. However why my L90 sounds more muffled in Speech In Noise, voices are buried in background noises and I can’t hear anything the person next to me was talking about.


I think this is nothing to do with L90 v L70. From memory, speech in loud noise is a manual, not automatic setting on the L70. Therefore if you are wearing the L90 and the speech in loud noise is activated then it should work better without you having to switch program.

However it could be activating the program but there is some difference in the fit of your L90 that is causing the problem. Go back to your audi and explain your problem. The fitting formula might be different or the audi will need to perform REM, or there is some other difference. Ask them to compare the set up of the L90 against the L70.

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It might be Speech in Noise (which may be automatically selected by the 70 level) where the 90 may be popping into Speech in Loud Noise, and this program might do better for you where you are experiencing this.


I had the same issue with the 90. I do not like the programming of the hearing aid or the inability to hear conversations with noisy backgrounds. I’m going back to my BTE not RIC Phonak.

Was the Motion Sensor turned on by Audi in Target software to make the mics more omnidirectional during the walk?

Yes, Motion Sensor was turned on. I start to doubt this the reason that when I walk to an empty lobby or on a quiet street, the speech is muffled but noises are much louder even though it is not noisy environment at all. Need to ask my Audi to change from wide to at least mixed at our next appointment.

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Good point. You can also change “Program transition speed” in the same screen in Target…

I have thought about that too, but worried that it may not automatically change to Speech in Noise or Loud Noise fast enough at truly noisy environments.

So you can move the slider to get quicker changes.

I actually don’t want quicker change either, as Speech in Noise sounds muffled, but Speech in Loud Noise is much better.

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Nothing by force. If you feel Speech in Loud Noise is better than Speech in Noise, ask for a comparison of gain curve at your next appointment. Maybe audi would have to change the compression or MPO.

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Exactly what I plan to do :smiley: