Phonak Compilot 2 Android App

I can’t find the app on Android for my mother’s ComPilot II connected to Audeo B90’s. Could anyone point me to it, please?

So it did exist at some time? That is at least a glimmer of hope.
Would you know the name of it? Maybe I can find an apk-file and install it manually.

Is it this?

Yes, that is the one I use on iPhone! And it is discontinued? Never noticed! However, it does explain why I can’t find it on Google Play. Where am i going to find it?

Does anyone have a local copy? I don’t think my mother’s Audeo B90’s have another way to select the direction of the 360-degree program.

Found it here:[/s] Nope, that’s Marvel only.

Setting up a manual program with 360, then she can use the Compilot 2 to put aids in360.

Yes, but with the app you can actually extend the functionality by selectief the direction to be amplified! A kin to choosing in Phonak Target to having the direction be left or right depending on which hearing aid you push the program button.

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The app looks like this on my iPhone:

Does that app see the Manual program , then it can adjust it?
That looks like the app I have on my Samsung phone.

Yesss! That’s the first positive! Do you know how I can find/install it?

My version is:

It seems that the Marvel app is called Phonak Remote, while the ComPilot app is called Remote Control.

So we shouldn’t get confused with nearly the same version numbers.

For now I am still quite confused!

@Raudrive Would you be willing to try and extract your app-file and share it? This link suggests that it is possible:

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I will look into it.
Give me some time, busy with a few other things right now.

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The information of Phonak Remote ends with “…If you are using a Phonak hearing aid with a body-worn accessory (ComPilot II or ComPilot Air), please use the Phonak “RemoteControl App”, also available in the Google Play Store.”

I have a hard time believing that they simply discontinued service for a device that they are still selling! Of course there is a lot of bitching about the marketing of HA’s, but this is really stumping me…

I did a Google search and found this. Do not know if it will work or not so do so at your own risk.


I believe Turner has what I have.

Thank you

I couldn’t find it on that site. Very happy that you did! ( I looked under ‘Medical apps’, instead it’s categorized under health&fitness.)
Now back to training my mother. She’s having trouble with un-/locking the ComPilot: two buttons at the same time.

She’s a very happy camper. Just turned 80 last Sunday and swinging to Moonlight Shadow while streaming via the ComPilot II!


Most important in my mother’s case are the directionality in the speech-in-360o program and the visual list of the programs: What goes under which beep. (But I also put a sticker on her mobile cover.)

Last but not least is the ComPilot-in-bag option: Vanity is of all ages and mobiles in hand is of the current age.

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What about the original source in google’s playstore?

There you have your starting point :wink: From there the link to the app in google play store is still valid.
In contrast to zebras link this link points to RemoteControl App (not just Remote App w/o Control)

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