Phonak Comfort in Echo, manual program?

I was looking at getting the L90 but I really wanted to have a Comfort in Echo manual program as I feel that’ll be the one program I really benefit from.

From my research tho, a manual program of Comfort in Echo can’t be added.

It’s a shame as not always is AutoSense correct.

I may not go ahead and get the L90 as that’s the one feature I was really hoping would help me.

Can anyone confirm if it can be a manual program with the EchoBlock feature?

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I have the Phonak Paradise P90 and Comfort in Echo is one of the manual programs in my app. I asked the audi to add it. So I would think the Lumity L90 would have it too. In the “adjust program” settings in the app, the amount of echo suppression is not an option you can adjust, so I imagine the audi would need to set the level of echo suppression you want before adding it to the app.



Thank you. That’s hopeful.

I’ll have to double check things. There’s a custom program but that doesn’t give the EchoBlock option in the software.



Just doubled checked and you are right!

I don’t understand the difference between AutoSense program and manual program, lol.

Up until now, I’ve never used a manual program.

I’m happy.

Thank you.



I have Comfort in Echo as a manual program in my P90’s. I shall be testing it on Monday at a meeting in a very echoey room. I have my final fitting on Tuesday, where I’ll probably disable Autosense 4.

I’ll let you know what I think of “comfort in echo” after that. I’ll also test it in conjunction with Roger On, and my reprogrammed Marvels


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I have the comfort in noise program and use it when l am outdoors and in vehicle. In stores and other environments, l set it to automatic. I use the myphonakapp frequently.

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I had Comfort in Echo set up on my Marvel aids, and could’ve had it on the newer Lumity Life ones, but they seem to compensate for the house echo I battled with wearing my older Marvel aids.

So yes, I do believe you can dedicate a program to Comfort in Echo on the Lumity aids.

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WOW! I’ve always used a lineup of manual programs - back in the days of my Oticon aids, and ever since with the Phonak series. I just find that “autosense” TRIES to compensate, but sometimes the algorithm is late to the game or it drives me NUTS going from “correction/compensation” mode to ambient/normal.

I’ve just about always had a dedicated “Speech in Loud Noise” program to use, but have also used “Comfort in Echo”, “Music” and “Acoustic Phone”. These all have their time and place during my usage of aids at home, out and about, when traveling, etc.


That is what I’m really intrigued about! I go in on Tues for a Roger On demo, and hope to take a loaner for a week or so to try it out. I’m guessing that - depending on the room size and dynamics - you may prefer the Roger to putting your aids in “Comfort in Echo”.

I had that dedicated program on my Lumity Life aids, but somehow it just never worked right. It might diminish the echo a bit - but NOT enough! On top of which, it seemed to reduce the volume of speech coming at me.

I find that the Lumity Life aids do an adequate (not perfect) job of compensating for large room echo, but my strategy is to just get closer to the person talking and even ask them to repeat themselves. I tend to get the sentence on the repeat.

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What I’m really after is “Speech in Echo”. I don’t really get the “comfort” settings as they tend to make sounds dull, which to me defeats the object of hearing aids.

My ideal settings are to be manual, with the default as Music, with others switchable, for when the “all in” music setting is just too much.

I have to stress though, that my complaints are generally from my Marvels where the initial programming was poor.


I’m confused by what you mean. You will compare, or fly-off comfort in echo vs Roger on? Or you think you can use Roger on while in comfort in echo? The latter doesn’t work. When you use Roger you get a specific program for roger - “RogerDirect + Mic” which only shows up in the list of programs when in use, like bt streaming programs.

Hope this helps.


I tell a lie. I’ve had telecoil on my HAs but I might use it 3 x times a year. Think telecoil is just old habit despite still not really using it.


What I mean is, I’ll compare all the different scenarios in this meeting.

P90s with Autosense4
P90s in Comfort in Echo*
P90s in Speech in Noise*
P90s in Speech in Car*
P90s in Music*
P90s with RogerOn (adjusting mic balance)

  • my current presets

M70s in “default” Music mode (disabled Autosense3)
M70s in Speech in noise
M70s with RogerOn

I already know I will hear better than the last meeting, 2 months ago. Since then, I’ve bought Paradise P90, and self programmed Marvel M70, and my speech recognition is much better with both sets. I’ve not needed the RogerOn in crowded settings. Once I’ve had my final fitting of the P90’s, I’ll connect them to target and transfer their settings to the M70s. I’ll also remove any of the presets I don’t like or need.




I’ll have the RogerOn in front of me on the desk, locked in meeting/table mode, with the MyRogerMic app open. There’s a noisy man to my immediate left, who’s always shuffling in his seat and tapping his pen, or reading glasses, on the table. I switch his ‘segment’ off, which is quite funny, as the others know about it.

One thing I noticed in Target was that the mic mode in the Roger Direct setting is set to pretty much right in front of you. I’ve changed this to 360⁰, as the people I need to hear most are sat to my right.

I’ll update on Tuesday



I like that!! I have been very tempted to go that route myself, being a bit of an audiophile. But then I do get into situations (I’m hearing one right now as hubs fires up the Vitamix blender!!!) when I’m glad my default has all the corrections and noise management. Not a perfect world, but that’s why I set up “Music” as one of my 3 other programs to cycle through. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hum! So does that mean that if I don’t have the MyPhonak app on a cell phone, I’ll have to dedicate one of my existing programs on my aids to Roger?

I ask cuz I have: default, Speech in LOUD Noise, Music and Acoustic Phone as my 4 programs on these Lumity Life aids. That’s the limit - no more programs can be added.

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LOL!!! I could use that on rare occasions when I’d like to TUNE OUT my dear hubs!

I like that the Roger is basically going to pick up sound in front of me, cuz I’m hoping to maybe replace the TV Connector with a Roger device pointed right at our TV.

Well, I say pointed at the TV, but it’s really going to be pointed to the speakers that project SOUND from our “smart” TV. I guess everyone has a sound bar or some such device connected to TVs these days?

No Roger program is there, the same as the TV Connector, Partner Mic program and others. Can’t delete them or anything. They are just there but won’t be used until you get the appropriate stuff.


Ok very good! Thanks for clarifying! :slight_smile:


Actually this isn’t how the Roger On works best.

It has 4 microphones and 3 modes, forgive me if I get the names wrong:

  1. Pointer
    This uses 3 of the 4 microphones to hear sounds directly in front of the device. I’ve had little success with this.

  2. Presenter
    This requires the Roger On to be suspended in a neck bracket, for perhaps a speaker on a college situation. I’ve never tried this, and probably never will.

  3. Meeting/Table
    This has given me some success, and can be used with both the MyRogerMic app AND the MyPhonak app.

In my experience, up to now, the Phonak Aids AND the Roger On work better with each other