First, — Raudrive had given a good information to follow.
Second, I remember those days when I was feeling so confused about haids because there are so-much information. Today trying to keep it simple I ask to match my Audiogram against what the haids can do (plain just how much can delivery into my ears). Costco can show you that. You can bring to them your own audiogram or Costco do one for you. Then they will check and verify how much any of the brands in-house will cover your hearing. That was how I figured out Resound Preza UP will cover more that Pronak Brio 4 or Brio 3. Make sure you can see that graphic on the screen-PC.
I am profound too and I think will be useful for you to know that next year I will get a backup hearing aids, I agree with my expert at Costco when suggested Pronak Brio 3 the BTE type. Because currently I have Resound Preza RIC. But I am expecting those two brands bring something new for Costco in 2021.
Third, the budget is a thing, I pay the cost of it myself so affordability is a thing, so here Costco and Costco have the most extended trial period in my region and many other benefits but I have to remark the fact that I can change Costco location if I really don’t like where I am right now.
Under my view this is the way how I manage to make this simple. But for you I will repeat this — Raudrive had given a good information to follow, collect that information to build yourself an opinion no matter if this coming with mistakes, you will get better every time.
Good luck.