Phonak Audéo Sphere

Sound Recover 2 can be disabled. For you to “hear” high frequencies I’m pretty confident you will need Sound Recover 2. I suspect that even if a hearing aid could generate enough gain at high frequencies that all you would hear is distortion. When they do your audiogram and they test high frequencies at loud volume, do you still hear tones or is it more of a staticky, distorted sound? If the latter, it suggests cochlear dead spots.

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I still hear the tones


I’ve seen people fitting dogs. Not cats though.


Amazing. Even receivers that claim amplification out to higher frequencies, it’s often with considerably less gain. Perhaps with newer tech this may change, but not in the immediate future.

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@Baltazard you did not say Siri, TheGoatLord is just mentioning the functional difference between a neural network and for comparence how a Siri- like system works. I don’t see what’s wrong with that. People should not be made afraid of any privat data stolen by a system Phonak now used in this Chip/ NN system.
Without beeing personal, I appreciate all of your knowledge and your input, but what’s wrong with the explanation.


Brought a bit rude maybe but a forum always has a weakness as has the whole internet. False information could be leading to the degradation of mankind’s knowledge. That’s a pitty we have to live with.

Staying kind to everyone who is a partner of the forum seems of utmost importance. Everybody can make mistakes. We’re here to help each-other as a group of Hearing interested friends.


The This Week in Hearing YT video is all about the new Phonak hearing aids. It is a bit long at 52 minutes but contains some interesting information.


Hello. I come from Germany. The AI ​​Phonak devices will arrive here later. I am very interested in your comments.


Welcome @Eduard



New to the group but here are my thoughts on the Sphere 90 version.
I have been using the trials for a few days and have been testing them everywhere I can.
They are hands down the best aids I have tried. I am currently using power domes to get the full effect.
I have been wearing them about 14 or 15 hours a day and still have 50% battery life left.
Give them a try I think for those that are in loud environments a lot it will really help.



Welcome @pproducts, can you please post up your Audiogram… You appear to be the first to trial these Spheres, on this forum? Good Luck with your trial… Cheers Kev :grin:


@MDB, @lello58, Earlens 2.0 (1.0 also but it is unreliable) reportedly has outstanding sound quality and frequency response, but it is cumbersome and inhumanly expensive.


@pproducts We have all been waiting for feedback on these aids. Since this thread is so long I think it would be very helpful if you would start a new thread for the Phonak Sphere review.


Welcome! I propose to include a description of your observations in a new topic. I suggest the name “Phonak Infinio Sphere 90 review” or similar.

I am very curious about battery life in a loud cinema and which program is activated mainly in that place.

I guess that suggests use in an undemanding environment. Could you to post a similar screen shot of the myPhonak app?

If you don’t mind, possibly a screen/print from audi datalogging after the trial.

Clockwise: Quiet - Noisy - Streaming - Music.

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I doubt I’d use any Speech in Noise programme in a Cinema, unless it’s a very noisy/roudy audience?

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I also doubt. I think the best manual program would be “Music” for better sound quality experience, but I’m not sure about audibility of talking in the film.

Just curious about automatic program choosing.

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I think he was referring to the dialogue scenes in very loud scenes in movies, which I am also very interested to know how Sphere performs.

The Music program, at least with my P90s, is no good.

I also wrote to the developers at Phonak to see if they had a specific program for movies, and they said they were working on it, but it must have been 2 years and I never heard anything.


This definitely would be cool. When talking with AI hearing aid developers, it sounds like they are currently busy at work getting the AI to recognize the spectral signatures of people’s voices. So, for example, your friends and family would start to be recognized by the AI system and it would give preferential treatment to their voices. This is, of course, is “down the road” stuff, but I think a “Companion Program” where you could teach the hearing aids who your common communication partners are would be helpful and it might be analagous to how Apple Photos uses AI to sort/classify (with almost scary precision) the folks who commonly appear in your pictures.


Hello folks, a little birdie informed me that the launch of Phonak Sphere in the UK, is next Wednesday (I think?) in Manchester, all the Audiologists present will be given a Phonak Sphere Trial set of Aids… The Audiologist have already had their training, and the one I spoke too, is super excited at the prospect of these new aids… We shall see? Cheers Kev :smile:


I believe the launch date for the UK is 30th August.

Wholesale Hearing are planning to ship the week after and the audiologist Boots I’ve been speaking with says they will have pricing in the last week of August.

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Speaking of AI, I recommend get to know about AI potential:

Registration is free.

I used that to denoise *.wav records from Internet (not private), and the effects were really good: