Phonak Audéo Sphere

It will be disappointing to wait a year for a Naida. On the other hand some S/W bugs and issues may have been ironed out in the meantime.


You don’t do it that way, you do it by oscillating the 0 to 1.4v very quickly (50khz), then inverting half of the output, -1.4v - 0v +1.4v. Which effectively (once smooothed) gives you a 0v rail and one at 2.8v.


They will be more than that at wholesale price.


I also own a pair of Paradise 90’s with ultra-power receivers in molds which will reach the frequencies which I still have response to. They may not sound quite as full especially streaming but have enough power in my case.


Probably it is because reportedly Naida has double receiver, but I have never seen that neither read any article/info about it.

There is a thread about it here:


The Sphere model defaults to limiting you to 3 hours a day of use of the AI program. I’ll be interested to see how many hours you can just sit in this program before your battery dies. Presumably they think you can use it for 3 hours, stream for another 3 hours, and still get 16 hours? But what if you just sit in the AI program. . . 8 hours?


Looks like the Sphere is only available at the 90 and 70 levels.

The rechargeable custom is good-looking depending on how chunky it will really be. Without the Sphere stuff, looks like the infinio update is a reasonable upgrade to bluetooth speed and stability and maybe a minor update to the lumity autosense program. Aside from the rechargeable custom the other custom devices are omni directional non-wireless #10 CICs.


Colours for all of the new Audeo Models now have Copper, Sienna Red and Atlantic Green, which look very nice, but more “adult” than the colours in the lumity that were essentially stolen from pre-existing pediatric colours. They must have had enough success with those colours to decide to make new ones. I’m sad to lose the electric green, however.

Edit to add: Unless you’re getting the Sphere, it’s probably not worth moving from the Audeo Lumity RIC to the Audeo Infinio RIC.


Where you get this screen? And where can I find the information such as: fitting range, tier comparison and datasheet of Audeos and nee receivers?

In past I could find that infos quckly, now marketing stuff is all what I see on Phonak site…

What do you mean? If I tried to use it for longer than 3 hours, would it tell me I’d exceeded my allotted time for today, like parental controls on a tv? :laughing:


Bingo, I have to agree.

Would be fantastic news, a real game changer, but nothing about this as yet tho.


My audiologist is at the launch and just sent me this view of the Sphere from his Las Vegas hotel room. Doesn’t look real but it is. Crazy…



Can you explain this for someone who doesn’t understand all the technical details of these hearing aids?
“Edit to add: Unless you’re getting the Sphere, it’s probably not worth moving from the Audeo Lumity RIC to the Audeo Infinio RIC.”

I was about to get the Audeo Lumity RIC 90 but held off after I heard on this forum something new was coming out. I probably wouldn’t go for the Sphere model but was curious about whether the new Audeo R Infinio 90 would be worthwhile over the Lumity since the technology is 2 years newer.

Who sez I’m accomodatin’’? LOL, no problem, glad to see all the traffic.


Karl (our Editor) is there too !
He says it’s hot!


I’m kinda sad they dropped the caribbean pirate color.



Not to undermine Karl and Matthew, but I can’t find any evidence of telecoil in their data sheets. Investigating.

My daughter lives there, and it was about 112 degrees F today!! So, yeah hot atmoSPHERE!



I pulled out out of the fitting software. Tier comparisons and fitting ranges are going to be pretty identical to the lumity with the exception that if you get the sphere model you have access to the AI program.

Presumably it will just flip out of the AI program and back into the regular speech in noise program unless your clinician has turned off the limit, or if they have it will just continue in the AI program and give you a low battery beep earlier in the day.

I wouldn’t upgrade from the lumity if you already had it unless you were going to the sphere. If you don’t have the lumity already and are just holding off on upgrading, then getting to infinio over the lumity would probably be a cost comparison. There ARE improvements with the infinio, so unless you can get an extra good deal on the lumity I’d probably lean towards the infinio. I’m just expecting it to be a much more modest improvement than if one was getting the sphere. Along the lines of Marvel to Paradise, or Paradise to Lumity.


if your hearing loss is in the severe to profound range probably you have dead cells
in the high region. Therefore, there is no point in having that extra bandwidth.

Lower the bandwidth less chance of feedback