Phonak audeo lumity 90 hissing / white noise is it normal?

I went through this, it’s not uncommon. Even in a quiet room there’s some small amount of background noise, fridge hum, traffic or wind outside. HA are setup to amplify (gain) sound levels by a certain amount, and the gain levels are in tiers… quiet, medium, loud.

What your describing is a textbook case of the gain for the quiet sounds is brining up those background sounds to a level that’s noticable and intrusive. Simply adjust the gain on the quiet sounds, a little reduction can take the hiss down to a point your brain isn’t noticing it, but there’s still enough gain to help overall with comprehension.


I had this same hissing issue with the Lumity when I trialled them. It annoyed me so much I ended up disconnecting the streaming connection. Adjusting the ambient sounds did help a bit but it was still very noticeable. I ended up buying Signia Pure which doesn’t have this issue (but the Bluetooth connection and streaming sound quality is not as good).

Hi, wdpegg and all~ I also have Audeo Lumity 90 aids, with firmware

The suggestions about the myPhonak “Ambient balance” slider for hiss reduction are helpful, but I still had a base line hiss problem. If you search this forum for:

Target “Expansion”

you’ll find another recent thread on this topic, complete with screen shots & a video.

I stumbled on a simple & consistent way to replicate my hiss problem. With Bluetooth from the aids to my cell phone, I call my home land line when there’s nobody here to pick up the call. After I quit the call from my Pixel phone, I could hear the hiss in my aids for a second or two.

Using the Target programming PC software, I went to the “Fine Tuning” tab then down to “Streaming Programs” on the left. I clicked the downward pointing arrow for “Phone call + mic” (which seems to also govern streaming audio). “Open program options” is the next thing I clicked & various “sliders” showed up at the right. “Soft noise reduction” was completely Off, so I slid that to 12 then I did a Save & Close.

After repeating my phone hang up test I could still hear the hiss but it was less loud & also more brief. Streaming some audio was also better but still not pristine. I did another programming bump to 13 & Ahmo stop there for now. I’m happy that these forum threads nudged me toward this improvement.

One of my favorite music stations (Gulch Radio) has this tagline: “Streaming directly into your brain”. That pretty well describes Phonak audio, especially now that I’ve got the noise out.

Thanks & Jolliness, Forum Folks.

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Ok, so had a quick read and watch most of the video, seems like it’s something my audiologist would have to adjust at my next hearing appointment.

Is it something they would know about and how to adjust ?
What is the best way to get across what I’m after?
Thank you

In the meantime
I think turning off media audio in bluetooth settings and not sitting in a quiet room is the only way to reduce hiss if not stop it. which if your just reading is easier said than done. However if it’s not a hissing sound (which can trick into thinking it’s raining) it’s ringing in my hears from my tinnitus so not going to win completely.

There’s a soft sound option in the myPhonak App but I don’t know if you can access it whiles using Bluetooth as I’ve never tried.

I have ReSound and I had the hissing sound constantly. I thought it was floor noise? Or that noise where the hearing aid motor is running and it was so annoying, but turns out that they were faulty, but that was just my experience. Worth checking out if they continue to do it.


Thanks for your post!
It helps.

I believe that’s compression in the real world.
It affects how the hearing aids are tuned. It helped me hear softer voices and consonants, and that was my need.

I’m also going a bit crazy trying to get rid of what seems to be white noise in the background - particularly when driving in a car (including very quiet riding autos) and going over 40mph. Have played with special settings, but would rather not have to do a special setting to fiddle with while driving. Tried writing Phonak - unbelievable Cusotmer No-Service response advising me that this issue is outside of their purview and I should contact my Hearing Tech. In fairness, I will say that this pair is MUCH better than my 6 yr old previous Phonaks as filtering background restaurant noise, hearing others sitting next to me vs in front etc.

Anyway - will be interested to see if others have easy solutions to this white noise/hissing issue.

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Since it’s speed-dependent it’s most likely a noise from the car. My 2013 Avalon was one of the quietest cars in its model year, yet my Oticon Real aids do pick up noise.

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I’ve had an issue with programming since I got my Phonak Audeo Paradise P90R’s.

My new practitioner helped so much. He gave me two reports when I left.

  • User Report
  • Pro Report
    The advantage is that I can finally see what is turned on and what the settings are!

Is there a chance that “tinnitus” cover up has been turned on? The reports would show.

I wish that I had the skills and computer to use Target as a diy’r. Then I could see.

It’s not you! I have the Phonak Slim Lumity 90 and there is definitely white noise when I go into Bluetooth + mic, even if I am reading the news and an advert appears. As you have found, adjusting the ambient balance to the right will reduce this, but the following day it’s back to the original settings. As far as the lack of bass is concerned, I now have c-shells as the domes made my ears itch, and this has significantly improved the streamed audio quality as less bass is leaking out. I do have some occlusion effect from this, mainly when I am speaking or eating, but I am prepared accept this as a compromise.

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Same here. It just added more noise

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The default settings for auto/calm have some background noise cancellation, while the default settings for bluetooth streaming have none. The aids will automatically switch to the bluetooth streaming a second or two before playing a notification ping from your phone, or when you visit a website that has streaming video (even if it doesn’t automatically play the audio). If you’re streaming something and hit pause, it will stay in the bluetooth mode for about 5 seconds before returning to auto. In those cases, you’ll hear the difference as an increased ‘hiss’ from background noise like an air conditioner or central heating when in bluetooth mode.

Your or your HCP can change the background noise settings for streaming in Target. That will also impact the audio being streamed, so I’d recommend changing only the ‘streaming speech’ mode, not the ‘streaming music’ mode.


Newbie here hoping I can find an answer.
I have Lumity L90-R. When I stream from any source I get white noise. Android, PC, TV, etc. For each individual source I adjust the ambient slider in MyPhonak app slightly to the right to towards audio. This fixes the problem for me. I need to adjust the ambient slider for each individual source once per day. Unfortunately, the fix only lasts until I shut off the hearing aids at the end of the day.
I would like to have a more permanent solution. I am not sure how the ambient slider relates to the adjustments in Phonak Target? I have Phonak target 9.0.5 but I do not have the hardware yet to connect my hearing aids so I must rely on my audiologist who is not familiar with this feature.

Does Myphonak app Bluetooth streaming ambient adjustment equate to Phonak Target settings for Noiseblock in Media Music + Mic? Or is it something else like Soft Noice Reduction.

I would really appreciate it if you could help. Thanks

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With my Marvels and Paradise, I don’t recall any “white noise”. The only white noise I’ve experienced was when my original Marvel audiologist switched on Tinnitus masking on a programme. It may be worth checking in Target

Peter H

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I too get this white noise in the left aid when the Bluetooth connection is active. I will take this up with my audiologist and report back if we find a solution.