Phonak Audeo L90 batteries - now last just 9 hours

As been mentioned, I meant with LE Audio now available on Phonaks new platform you won’t have the excessive battery drain of bluetooth classic.

And to answer

A. Yes could well be possible, but unlikely, get the leakage sorted as best as possible, get custom molds made.

B. No not likely, always best to treat the cause and not the symptoms if possible.

Does the HA kick off if turned on and placed on a flat surface? is it possible to post your audogram.


Sorry, I think 2 years is terrible for rechargeable batteries, and 4 years total life is also poor. These devices aren’t cellphones, they cost a fortune, which many can’t afford at all. Another reason to stay with disposable batteries.


I think it’s more than 2 years, because some said 3 years is the battery warranty. but that claim needs to be verified.

The batteries can be replaced even after the warranty, I’ll just drum up the price of $300, I’m not sure exactly how much it costs to change the battery. With phonak, I must say that they don’t change the batteries, they replace the entire hearing aid with a new one. I think they figured it was cheaper for them to manufacture a new one than spend more hours repairing or replacing the battery. The battery is normally soldered to the motherboard and unfortunately it is very difficult to change without breaking something.

If a simpler battery change is an important characteristic, before buying new hearing aids, let the focus be on the manufacturer that enables this.

How do they deal with any installed Roger Licenses?

You mean dealing during replacing HAs? I think they use Roger installer and “empty” RogerX receiver (without Roger licence). They then transfer the licence from RogerX to the new HA.

Thanks for the answer. I didn’t know WhistleBlock uses a small amount of energy. My former provider said he and his colleagues measured the energy drain during feedback, and it was significant.

Feedback, yes. Whistleblock (when working right) not so much. I think you might lose some gain in order to lose the feedback, but it beats feedback screaming in your ear, whether you hear it or not.


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Yeah there’s no doubt it uses battery, I’ve never measured it myself, but I have on occasion forgotten to turn one of my HAs off properly and left it in its storage case over night ( once over a weekend! ) and haven’t noticed a big difference in battery consumption in that respect.

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My Paradise P90-Rs are 3 months shy of 3 years old. Up until about 6 weeks ago I was getting about 14 hours out of them and they pretty quickly they went down to about 9 hours or so.
Just got them back from my audiologist today. They shipped them to Phonak for battery replacement but it looks to me like they just swapped them out for new ones. No charge since they are still under warranty.

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I turn on the Bluetooth only when I need to. Turn on Bluetooth continuously can drain your battery quick. I wear my HA for a whole day and still have 80% capacity left.

I know from experience that problems with the phone’s software can cause accelerated battery discharge. My Costco KS-10 (Based on Phonak Paradise) aids had that problem shortly after my phone was updated to Android 12. My aids were replaced a couple of times by Costco before I discovered that a bug in Android 12 was causing the battery drain issue via the Bluetooth connection.


I’m amazed how much longer my replacement hearing aids rechargeable batteries last.

Today. 7:30 to 11:15. 15 hours and 45 minutes. Left HA 40%. Right HA 37%. On autosense all day.
That’s so much better than before

What a relief!


@Hardofhearing1 how about battery life now? Any improvements?

Good news, yes there is an improvement. Turning off the bluetooth connection to the iPad when I was not using it and getting rid of the whistling for a time brought the daily battery life back to where it was originally – about 12-14 hours before the notification that the battery is low. But an occasional whistle has returned. I have to visit the audiologist to change one of the filters as it seems stuck. I’m guessing that will solve the remaining problem.

Thank you to everyone for your suggestions.


I’ve had a horrible time with the wax guards in the Phonak 4.0 Receiver.
Phonak have a 5.0 receiver available now.

I was told I’ll get 2 in August. Well August is almost over.

About 1/3 of the time I find my wax guard is stuck and it affects my hearing.

I’m grateful Phonak listens and that this forum reports upgrades for my Paradise P90 R’s. They are 3 years old.

Point is the 5.0 receiver uses the old Phonak wax guards that worked so well for me for many years.