I have since 2017 and up until this year warn Phonak Nathos S+ M BTE hearing aids
I’ve decided to upgrade to device that can improve my hearing further and stop me having to switch out hearing aids when I want to listen to music etc. Now have a pair of Phonak Audeo Lumity L90, after tailing to 50’s.
I’ve seen some improvement over L50, but feel I can get more out of things for noisy environments and would also like improved streaming quality (as this is one of the reason for the upgrades)
My Audiologist (from boots, uk) was not keen at all on ActiveVents when suggested to me and has suggested testing vented domes compared to open domes
I haven’t been in a noisy environment yet, but so far my impression of vented domes is they overall are worse then open as the benefit isn’t greater than the downsides. I’m also finding the fit doesn’t suite my ears, larger ones are too big and the smaller ones creep out constantly.
They also make virtually zero difference to steaming quality
Does anyone know how much an improvement ActiveVent would be compared to a vented dome? I like the sound from open domes much better for normal environments, but feel I need the isolation in noisy and for streaming.