I got the Soundgate 2 today. When I pair it to my aids an extra section is added to the “sessions.ini” file:
Create Date=24.09.2014 21:16:44
Created By=Marije
Action Description=SoundGate
Serial No=1037700
Private Bytes=111
Private Data=2014-09-24T211644\Rc.bin
It points to a binary file Rc.bin:
DEVICECODE : 1074779524
The “Serial No” is the same as the one displayed in Oasis and written on the device.
So I tried changing the “Serial No” to that of the Oticon Streamer, but in Oasis it remained set to the value above!!? Rather odd, so I changed the “DEVICECODE” to another number, but the value remained.
The only thing I can guess is that the serial number is embedded somewhere it that very long hexadecimal string in “Left fit.bin” and “Right fit.bin”. However, it seems to change quite a bit between programmings of identical settings in Oasis.
So at the moment I am nowhere nearer to a successful hack. If someone can give me some pointers, I will be quite glad!
Does anyone know whether the hexadecimal code is indeed code, some assembler type or something, or whether it is just configuration?