My OPN 1’s were updated today from FW2 to FW4 using an Expess Link 3 by an Oticon rep at my audi’s office. Took 2-3 minutes with wired connection. First time I had seen an ExpressLink3. I think it replaced ExpressLink, which may or may not work.
OIC, I was thinking that EXPRESSlink3 was Wireless. It’s not. It’s a wired programming device (see picture below). Thanks for updating my view about what can be used to update OPN’s FirmWare.
I have my own Expresslink 3.0 and updated my firmware from 2.0 to 4.0 a couple of weeks ago. As Shellboy mentioned, it only takes a couple of minutes and is easy to do as long as you have a wired connection to something like an Expresslink (or a Hi-Pro). The Genie software checks to see if a firmware update is available and then prompts you to update it using the included firmware updater.
There is a change in the sound OPN, after the update?
My feeling, my ALTA 2 PRO sounds nicer than OPN
The sound is very different
Who updated your firmware (you, your Audi)? Here’s a link to >>Oticon Firmware Updater<< tool that says,
“After the update. Note that updated instruments will be returned to factory settings. Do not give the instruments to the client before restoring user settings.”
Was the programming (for your specific Audiogram) saved before the FirmWare update and restored after the FirmWare update?
I need to purchase HI-PRO, I have only FittingLINK,
I want to know if there are audio improvements after the update?
I’m waiting for an opinion
Hahaha, I thought you were saying there was a change in sound after your firmware update.
In general, Firmware updates are to fix glitches, such as iPhone connection glitches. I wouldn’t expect the hearing aids to sound any different after a Firmware update. Unless, maybe it was something like un-muted noise during audio switching.
Also, you generally use/need FittingLink 3.0 or a miniPro/Hi Pro, but not both?
Click on the links in my signature line for help with that, or right here for newbies who can’t view signature links.
>>Links for Hearing Aid Self Programming and Self Programmers<<
I started a new thread for >>How to program the Oticon Opn<< in the DIY section.
update the firmware you need to buy miniPro/Hi Pro, Looking for on
You also need CS44 cables and Flexstrips. The mini Pro sells on AliExpress, not EBay.
Question to everyone, have a long program switch? OPN
I saw some mini pro on ebay the other day. A little bit more expensive than Ali Express though
Is it this one >>Digital-Hearing-Aid-Programmer-mini-PRO-USB-Compatible<<?
It’s not really a mini Pro, it’s a Chinese Hi Pro USB 1.1. Look at the pictures. The above link will deteriorate over time.
I think it will be much slower than a mini Pro (USB 1.1 vs USB 2.0). Also it’s $281 vs $208 for the mini Pro.
Here’s a link >>How to buy a mini Pro<<
Let’s repeat this. For those of you thinking about getting FittingLINK 3.0 to program your OPN’s you need to think about who is going to do your Firmware updates for you. Because Firmware updates cannot be done with FittingLINK 3.0. You will need a wired programming device (mini Pro/Hi Pro/Express Link) for that.
Here’s some more information about choosing a programming device…
Hardware:> mini Pro/Hi Pro/cables/etc VS convenient Wireless Programming Device
I posted my link in that thread you referenced. Not sure if that is the mini pro or another like the ebay one you posted.
I purchased an Expresslink 3.0 device from Buyhear at the same time I purchased my Oticon OPN 1 hearing aids from them. They also sold me the appropriate connecting wires. I have used this to do my own firmware update using the Genie 2.0 software that I downloaded from Oticon.
Just to clarify, what is the difference between ExpressLink and FittingLink?
No it’s not a mini Pro. They just call it a mini Pro, See >>Heavy sigh, No the mini Pro is not on EBay<<
FittingLink 3.0 is a wireless programming device,
EXPRESSlink3 is a wired programming device,
I am curious to know about the $cost$ of your ExpressLink wired setup as opposed to a (mini Pro/CS44-cables/Flexstrips) setup?
The (mini Pro/CS44-cables/Flexstrips) current cost is $208+50+20 = $278 and would be cabled/connected the same as this setup for >>Programming the Oticon Altas<<