Oticon More adds disposable battery model and MyMusic program

@jcw11: It hasn’t happened to me, and I haven’t come across it here, in the Forum, myself, James.

If, however, you’re wearing aids marked “Demo”, you may run into such issues. I wore a pair for 2 1/2 weeks while my personal aids were in the shop, and I recall experiencing some weird notifications like yours.


That is very possibly the problem

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Yeah, Chuck @cvkemp. I didn’t notice any difference at first , but then, funny things started to surface.

  1. I couldn’t get the aids to stay in my EduMic program for more than a minute or two.
  2. ConnectClip would work with the demo aids for taking phone calls and streaming, but it wouldn’t stay in the program for the remote mic function of the clip.
  3. The demo aids would not stay connected with the ON app, and did not accurately log my wearing time, as shown in the screenshot below.
  4. I did receive a couple of “phantom alerts” that I couldn’t associate with any real condîtions like low battery or functionality like Airplane Mode.

Honestly, I can’t see how a prospective purchaser could get a good idea of More1s capabilities with so many bugs interfering with the normal functioning of these very costly devices.

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I’ve been straining [Edit to add: “what’s left of”] my ears listening to my favourite Norah Jones tracks, which are burnt into my engrams for eternity.

Oticon has done something magical with the bottom - it sounds really good with the ON app EQ set at +6/+3/-3. That setting captures a lot of the brilliant subtleties happening on the bass line, and doesn’t sound too muffled or distorted.

But in the midrange, Norah’s sensual “breathiness”, her immediacy and mastery of dynamics, like her father’s sitar playing, and the close-micing of her vocals … all lost. I can’t get it back even after returning the ON EQ to its default values. Too bad.

If I toggle back to VAC+, crank the iPhone volume to replicate the extra gain built into the MyMusic app, set the EQ to +6/+4/0, and wish hard, I can almost get Norah back. I’m sure that I could do so (with a $10 Tim’s card and the willingness of my audiologist) after creating a custom-tweaked music program.

Again, it’s a head scratcher for me: all the brilliant minds, the laboratories, the gear, the access to the best sounding artists and instruments in the world, and MyMusic is the best the Oticon engineers could do? It’s like a Sony Walkman for the HoH - it’s definitely a Blue Pill product.


I have only tried demo aids once and that was before we had any connectivity. And only in the store front of a Miracle Ear store. The aids sounded good but even back then the sticker shock was unbelievable.

My Mores are not demos, new out of the box! I have unpaired, restarted and re-paired them along with my phone so we’ll see if that issue crops up again. It happened twice in the first couple weeks.

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Thanks for the clarification.

I see it as a trade off due to the frequency range of the aids and out hearing loss limitation. But I believe was just may see hearing aids in the future with wider frequency range, but I would how many people with hearing loss will be able to enjoy it.
I am going to ask a question is it really the aids or is it our hearing loss?
I know with my hearing loss I do have a reasonable amount of low frequency hearing and at one time a good deal of high frequency range, but I have aged out of my high frequencies.
Also remember you have the advantage I don’t yet have my hearing aids updated.


I think you’re correct, Chuck, and the engineers always have to compromise a lot as they strive to help us to hear better. All I’m saying is that (speaking as a 50+ year professional musician) I didn’t think there was too much wrong with the previous Music program. It was pretty faithful to the original sounds it was trying to reproduce, and you could get the bottom to sound pretty round without cotton-wooling the mids (both low- and upper-).

Not so with MyMusic. After the engineers lull you into a brief “warm and fuzzy” moment, you crash when you discover how synthetic the sound is, and how locked-in you are as a listener to what the Oticon engineers say the music should sound like. Bummer!


I will see at sometime in the future. I have never had a musical ear. And I guess living in Texas and my lack of musical hearing is why I love country music mixed with classic rock

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Yeah, Oticon made a big splash of introducing MyMusic to the public, and well, the initial reaction of the lay people seems to be great and wow.

But when the rubber really hits the road is when musicians like yourself with professional and discerning enough ears take a listen for a long enough time to get past the initial facade and see the other side of it. Most people think boomier bass, and sharper highs are what makes the music sounds better. But it looks like there’s something to be said about the purity and authenticity of the sound and the coloration only takes you so far and may even kill it.

Do you see any certain situation where you may prefer MyMusic over the regular Music program, Jim? Like maybe when listening to generic run-of-the-mill background mood music that you’re not intimately familiar with and have not developed a certain expectation from past memories of how it should sound like when you still had good hearing?


This is correct. It’s what made the Walkman such a hit.

Okay, @Volusiano, you’re 2 for 2, and the second comment is very perceptive! As a soloist covering popular music, I rely heavily on my audience’s “musical memory” to help me along. My arrangements are aimed at reminding my listeners of the “hooks” that created the hit song. If I can access that (ie. meet their expectations of what the song should sound like), folks sing along, tap their feet, and Voilà there’s an orchestra playing along inside their skulls making me sound better than I am!

But it is my candied opinion that people who aren’t professional musicians or even audiophiles will soon tire of the boombox sound of MyMusic and realize that the program is basically a one trick pony. Unlike the previous Oticon®️ Brand Canned Music Program, which one could at least tweak sufficiently with the ON EQ to resemble the original sound.

As always, this is only the opinion of an old, broken down guitar picker from a few yarr ago … YMMV.

As someone that hasn’t had any music even in public school, and failed the Morse Code test in boot camp, and finds my default program good enough for my music experience I am not sure what to expect. I have been to 3 concerts in my 74 years and they weren’t in a concert hall. I also have to be honest and say I haven’t had a Walkman and my headphones were designed for noise reduction and not for the quality of sound. Most of my music listening is mostly background music to hide the road noise in the Jeep and to keep from having no sounds at all.

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Then this all may not matter a bit to you, Chuck. The important thing is for you to be able to derive the maximum enjoyment possible from the music you like, no matter what technology is used to deliver it to your ears (and brain), and feed your soul.

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Yes spudster, there is no question MyMusic is NOT MY MUSIC!
We’ve had this discussion before, and I just hate this program, I mean I’m better served , as @cvkemp says with the general program.

That would be fine, but what they’ve done with MYMusic is somehow, distorted the midrange to where vocals, especially are as Jim says, totally processed sounding.

I got into Genie2 and just basically copied the General program, with all the NNS, and Feedback turned off.
That’s my new custom music program, but Oticon does not allow adjusting compression, which is important in a music program, so we’ll not be able to quite duplicate the previous Music program any More

Indeed, and - having attained the rife old age of 72 - I claim as my indelible right, The Priviledge of Codgerly Redundancy.

I hope you don’t find it too irritating. (I’ll try to repeat responsibly.)

I’ll be 81 in December, so there!!

And redundancy doesn’t even begin to express the frustration of MYMusic.


What happens if you create a personal profile just like what you currently have for the More, but now only open it for simulation instead of doing a real connection? Will you get MyMusic, or will you get the original Music program? I’m asking this because the More personal profile I have in Genie 2 is only for simulation, since I’m still on the OPN 1 and don’t have the More yet. And my More simulation profile can only support the original Music program.

If you’re able to do this and get the Music program to show instead of MyMusic, you can take a snapshot of the Fine Tuning -> Gain Controls values for your simulated More Music program, then apply these exact same values to a custom ReBuilt Music program that you have in your real More profile. The only drawback here is that it won’t have any REM adjustment included, if you’re OK with that.

If for some reason you don’t get the original Music program back in a simulated More profile, you can try create a new simulated OPN S or OPN profile and go that route to apply the Fine Tuning Gain values there to your More. Or if you still have the original OPN or OPN S real (non-simulated) profile for the Music program that has REM adjustment incorporated in, can’t you copy those values to the More? If I recall correctly, you had the OPN or OPN S then recently switched to the More.

Of course this is assuming that the gain prescription between the OPN/S and the More is really the same and unchanged, and assuming that the only main difference would be the technologies like the DNN in the More vs the OpenSound Navigator in the OPN/S.

Well, FWIW - I’m glad you concur. It’s difficult for me not to repeat my frustration, such is my shock at Oticon’s music program offering.

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Yes, once you’ve upgraded the ha’s to 1.1.1 you have no option to go back.

I’ve done so, using my OPN S profile.

To me the big issue, is no control over Compression settings in Genie 2.
If I could reduce the values for them, I’d have the original Music program nailed.

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