Oticon Genie2 2020.2 fitting software update available

Hi @bardenme please check your messages.

I have a set of More 2’s and have been having a lot of trouble with the connect clip working and am exploring removing the device and working with the aids but I also need a copy of the Genie 2 software if I could get a link that would be great. Thanks!

Hi @bwjones , please check your private messages

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Hi there, just in case you’re not aware,you’ll need the Noahlink wireless programming device as well for DIY projects.

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I have got the NoahLink. How can I download Genie2 (for more 1)? Would anyone has the link or able to share a copy?


Welcome to the forum, sure but do read the Genie user guide as its very helpful for setting up your first fitting.


could anyone help me out with a downloadlink for genie 2?
I wear More 1 and its a bit of a hassle to update them with my audiologist every time.

Any help would be highly appreciated.



Hi @fujitsu , please check your private messages

Hi can you share the download link for genie 2!

Thanks in advance

Hi there, as you’ve registered as a provider I take it was a mistake when signing up, but sure it’s available, you’ll also need the Noahlink wireless programming device for your DIY projects.

Hi there, newbie here, I’m wondering if anyone can share a link for the Genie 2 software? Also, I’m getting chaffing,from the support wire if anyone else has gotten this, and has any suggestions on what they did to help ease the soreness? I’d really appreciate it, thanks all.

Welcome to the forum sure it’s available but don’t forget you’ll need the Noahlink wireless programming device as well for your DIY projects.
As for the “chaffing” on top of your ear from the wire, just check that’s it’s the correct length, as going up the next size will help, but even then sometimes because of the shape of the ear you can’t avoid it, there’s another post on hearingtracker that they were talking about some kind of stuff that you could put on to form a second skin?

I have Oticon Real 1 miniRite R hearingaids. Please send me the link to download most recent Genie 2 software.
Thank you very much,

Sure no problem, it’s available, however you’ll be waiting a very long time for that former member to help you, he’s banned.
You’ll also need the Noahlink wireless programming device for your DIY projects.
Read the user guides as it’s very helpful for setting up the first time.

Hello tenkan…Would it be possible to get the Genie2 2020.2 software. Presume it will work on Oticon Opn S3 HA. Regards, John

Hi there, sure it’s available for those models, you’ll need the Noahlink wireless as well, do read the user guides as it’s very helpful for setting up the first time.

Great thanks, understood regarding Noahlink.

Hi,anyone can help with software for Oticon Own?

Could I also get the link for Genie2 please?

Genie2 software please. This site has helped me a ton
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