Oticon Genie 2 2023 download?

Could anybody share a link, please? I’m about to get Noahlink. Any help is appreciated.

Welcome to the forum, sure but you should read up on the user guide as its very helpful for setting up the first time.

Hello everybody, especially Firenzel,
I have quite the same desire as anybody in this section. I am looking for the Genie 2 software in order to help myself instead relying on the not so experienced audiologist in town.
Can anybody help me please?

Welcome to the forum, sure but you’ll also most likely need the Noahlink Wireless programming device (OPN models onwards)
Read the user/fitting guide as well, its quite helpful on how to use and set up your HAs, its unusual to have a link sent without receiving a reply to your message from forum members, do be careful where you download from, as there’s been a number of people getting malicious software.

I am looking for the Genie 2 software too.

Many thanks, tenkan!

Hello, I’m also looking to download the latest genie 2 software. Thanks for any help!

Hi there,sure but you’ll also need the programming device as well for DIY projects.

Read the user guides as its very helpful for setting up ones HA’s

I do know I’ll need the programming device. Right now I’m really after updating the firmware on my connect clip

All good, hopefully you’ll get that sorted, yeah lots of people complaining about this device!

ya, I’m seeing that. Crazy for how expensive the device is. Fortunately, I found mine brand new at a second hand store for $65

Hey, Can you send me also a link for Genie2? Would really appreciate it.

You’ve already asked this on another thread.

I would also like to have Genie 2 software link and bit information about required hardware, especially for ITC models (wired connections, Hi-Pro, I guess?). Can you help?

Welcome to the forum, sure no problem, if you download and install genie software on your windows PC you’ll be able to check yourself exactly what the correct programming device you’ll need, if your ITC is a later model and is wireless then Noahlink wireless would be suitable, non wireless and older models you’ll need HiPro and cables etc

Read up on the Genie user guides as well, very handy for information.

Hi there, in advance thank you, can somebody please provide me with a link to download oticon genie 2, I used to work as an audiology technician and I need the oticon genie 2, thank for your help

Welcome to the forum, sure no problem, as you’ve worked in the industry before I’m sure you’ll have everything else needed.

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Hi all! I have purchased Oticon Ruby 1 BTE hearing aids and would like to fine-tune them. The fact is that I am a musician and it is very important for me to properly adjust my hearing aids. In my city, one tuning session is insanely expensive, and I decided to set everything up myself. I’m going to buy a programmator HiPro 2 with CS44 cable (it’s a good choice?) or NOAH Wireless. Please send me a link to download genie 2. Thank you very much.

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Hi there, sure it’s available, you should read up on the user guide for genie as well, very helpful tips there.

More helpful for music programming.



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I’m new here. I’ve been using a couple of Oticon More for two years now and I have a background (albeit limited) in audiology, so I would like to finetune my hearing aid settings myself. It looks like I can purchase a Noahlink Wireless quite easily, but I would like to be sure that I have access to the Genie software before I place my order.

So I would appreciate some information on how/where to download the Genie software.

Thank you!