Oticon Connectclip with PC AND iPhone

Good day to you all.

This is complicated and I am probably describing this terribly, but bear with me.

I have received my ConnectClip (CC for short) today and have successfully connected it to my computer. I seem to have come up to a significant problem. The connection to the PC is great and I have had Skype calls selecting the CC as both the mic and the playback. So far so good. …
I have been receiving calls on my iPhone without the CC for the past month. With the CC connected to my computer, I can not hear calls on my iPhone. I can only connect the CC to either the PC or the iPhone but not both. This is extremely frustrating, because if I am listening to the PC, I can not take a call and listen to the caller through the iPhone.

Have I done something wrong? Or is this a limitation in the device?

Please help
Best regards, Jonathan

It connects to one device at a time.

Resounds Phone Clip+ and Phonak Compilot 2 connect to more than one device.

In fact, the Compilot 2 connects to two phones and a third streaming device, like a laptop or tablet. I tried and returned the Signia/Rexton hearing aids and device from Costco . It also connects to only one device at a time. Life is too short to start and stop bluetooth on multiple devices all day.

You don’t really need the
Connect clip connected to the iPhone. The iPhone and your hearing aids can connect directly. With that said you will have to use the mic on the iPhone. While the hearing aids and you connect clip can pair to multiple devices at the same time they can on connect and use one at a time. So yes if you are streaming from the computer and a call on your iPhone comes in you have to break the computer connection to use the iPhone for the call. And I agree it is a pain in the butt

This is what I thought, sad to have it confirmed. Hope this is addressed in the near future

You can try to connect the OPN to your iPhone DIRECTLY via MFI and not via the Connect Clip to the iPhone while you’re using the Connect Clip for your PC. Then It’s no longer an issue of whether the Connect Clip being able to be connected to 2 devices at the same time or not. It’s now an issue of whether the OPN can be connected to both the Connect Clip AND the iPhone at the same time or not?

While I don’t have the Connect Clip and I only have the TV Adapter 3.0, I surmise that the answer is yes. Case in point, I have the TV Adapter 3.0 connected to my laptop and I watch YouTube videos on it. While I’m watching (and listening on the OPN to) YouTube videos, my OPN is also connected to my iPhone directly via MFI. While I can’t simulate am incoming call to test out your situation, I can just play a song on my iPhone’s iTunes app and I can now hear the song from my iPhone, while the sound from my YouTube video from the laptop (coming from the TV Adapter 3.0) automatically gets muted. Now if I stop playing the iTunes song from my iPhone, in a few seconds, the YouTube video sound from my laptop automatically resumes on my OPN.

What this tells me is that the iPhone MFI connecting to my OPN takes priority over the TV Adapter 3.0 connection to my OPN. But all the while, the OPN has established connections to both devices, and the OPN MFI connection to the iPhone seems to have priority over the OPN connection to the TV Adapter 3.0.

Now if you replace the TV Adapter 3.0 with the Connect Clip in your case, assuming that the transmission protocol used by the Connect Clip is the same as that used by the TV Adapter 3.0, which I think is most likely the same, things should behave the same way as I have experienced with the situation as explained above, and you’ll be able to take your iPhone incoming call while you’re having your Skype call. I just don’t know if the Connect Clip mic will automatically mute for you or not, but even if you have to manually mute either the Connect Clip mic or use the Skype keyboard shortcut for muting, it’s worth a tap on a key to mute the original call in order to take your iPhone call.

You still should be able to use the Connect Clip with your iPhone calls for hands free operation using the Connect Clip mic of you want while you’re not on a Skype call, by connecting the Connect Clip to your iPhone normally. But when you’re on a Skype call, the Connect Clip will be connected to your PC and no longer to the iPhone, in which case the OPN MFI connection to the iPhone should automatically take over as long as Bluetooth is still enabled on your iPhone.

Yes they can be connected at the same time but I found out that an incoming call from the iPhone will not take over the streaming unless you were already streaming from the iPhone. And you have to force disconnect from the iPhone to stream from computer using the clip by disabling the Bluetooth on the iPhone first. It really isn’t automatic. It is worth it to me due to my difficulty in hearing calls

Is this scenario where you use the Connect Clip for both the computer and the iPhone?

The scenario I tested as described above is using the MFI connection with the iPhone and NOT using the Connect Clip for both the iPhone and the PC simultaneously. The whole point is to use the MFI connection to the iPhone and not use the Connect Clip connection to the iPhone to avoid the exclusivity imposed by the Connect Clip connection.

Well, in the OP’s case, the Connect Clip is already being used with the PC for Skype for that situation. So of course it can’t be used for the iPhone. So there are 2 options to take incoming calls from the iPhone in that case: 1) disconnect the Bluetooth connection to the Connect Clip on the iPhone and answer the iPhone via its own speaker the normal way , or 2) connect the OPN to the iPhone directly via MFI (not via the Connect Clip anymore) to have the iPhone route the audio via MFI to the OPN.

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I don’t use the clip with my iPhone, and if I get a call while using the TV connect I have noticed that I have had the call coming in on one aid and the Tv streaming in the other. For me that isn’t good.

I’ve just tried out the same thing above. I had the TV Adapter 3.0 streaming to my OPN, and I had somebody call me while that was going on, and I heard the ring on my iPhone, took the incoming call, conversed with that person and heard them just fine on my OPN (streaming to both OPNs just fine), all the while the sound from the TV Adapter 3.0 was muted. After I hung up on my iPhone call, the streaming sound from the TV Adapter 3.0 resumes on my OPNs.

I wonder if I have a setting not set,correctly

It might just be a one time fluke. Or have you consistently had this happen to you (the split streaming from the TV Adapter in one ear and streaming from the iPhone on the other ear)?

It has Hana few times, also if I want to stream from my iPad I have to disable the Bluetooth from my iPhone until I I start the streaming to the iPad then I reenable the Bluetooth on my iPhone

Yes, I experienced the same thing between my iPad MFI and iPhone MFI connection. Usually I have to disable the Bluetooth on the inactive device. However, technically, the iOS is supposed to be smart enough to automatically hand off the MFI connection from one iOS devvice to the other without you having the mess around with the Bluetooth. I’ve actually seen it happen a couple of times (when I forgot to disable the Bluetooth on the inactive iOS device), but very few and far between.

By the way, on the subject of splitting the streaming between the TV Adapter and an incoming iPhone call, one thing I notice is that sometimes the connection change from one device to the other happens on one OPN first, and it might take a few seconds before the other one gets connected. It doesn’t always switch connection on both OPNS at the same time.


I have noticed that too

not wishing to drag this debate out, but I think I have found a solution!

There is a difference on the pc between ConnectClip and ConnectClip hands free/

By setting skype to the hands free device audio from my phone still gets through to the aids. To be clear, I have not connected the connectclip to the phone, that is still connected to the aids through MFI

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I may have a hypothesis about this. When I connect my Plantronics Voyager Focus headset to my laptop, I have the same choice. To either use it as a headset with its own built-in mic (the equivalent of the Connect Clip hands-free option), or use it as just headphones (like the other Connect Clip stereo option).

With the stereo headphones option, communication is only one way, from the PC to the Connect Clip. So when a call comes in from the iPhone, the Connect Clip in one way receiving mode only from the PC is shutdown from seeing other communications from the iPhone and ignores the iPhone call because it’s already stuck in a one-way mode.

But with the hands-free headset mode, the Connect Clip is in a two-way mode with the PC, hence may be more environmentally aware and will give priority to incoming iPhone calls as well.

That’s just a hypothesis, but it would explain what you observed.

Thank you I will have to check this out

Headset is the normal protocol for bluetooth phone use. It includes headphone and microphone. The headphone protocol doesn’t include a microphone.

I have used the Headphone protocol on a soft phone application. I could hear them and it used the laptop microphone for the outgoing side. Thinkpads have very good microphones. So that is an option.

Now I am getting very frustrated. It would seem that things are not very scientific around here. I have been carrying out extensive tests on the interference between the connectclip and the iPhone putting them into different configurations. Then things started to become very unclear with un-repeatable results. Would work, wouldn’t work, phone would not ring to callers but would to me etc. Then the phone started to lose connection. Turned connectclip off and on, bluetooth off and on, on the computer. Completely unstable results.


I changed the batteries. Aha! then it was reliable again. So my conclusion is that it is a bit wobbly as a technology, but when the batteries are low, then it is completely unusable. Rant over, now to the main reason for posting again.

I would like to purchase some new battery doors and a charger and try rechargeable batteries. At most I am getting three days but mostly two days out of the 312s. I was thinking, I charge my phone at night, so why not my H/As? Has anyone got any experience of rechargeable batteries, where to get the kit from, whether or not its worth it?

This is so frustrating, it nearly works but does not work enough to be a reliable solution for me as of yet. Thoughts my dear friends, and a small whisky would help