Oticon Connectclip with PC AND iPhone

Haha, I guess I could have warned you about needing fresh enough batteries for good streaming experience, but I just assumed that this is a very obvious thing to hearing aid users who stream a lot. Well, I found out the hard way, and looks like you did, too. Usually as long as I don’t get a low battery warning chime, then streaming is stable. Very soon after the low battery warning chime, streaming begins to cut out/stop. I can probably still use the battery for another good couple of hours in normal mode before the battery goes completely dead. But streaming requires the battery to be fresh enough (meaning no low battery warning).

I do stream a lot and I still get about 4 days with my OPN. So if you’re getting only 2 days out of yours, you must be on Skype or on the phone all day long at work.

The OPN is upgradeable to a ZPower OEM rechargeable system. You can contact your provider to inquire about that option. It’s a fairly new system with a lot of issues and bugs. You can search this forum to read up all about it. Apparently it was so bad that Oticon had to step in and fix the mfg process to improve the quality and usability of this third party system that they OEM. Hopefully by now they’ve already worked out all the kinks.

But if you’re trying to do it for $ savings instead of convenience, you may want to think twice about it. Do your math carefully because so far in most cases, going the rechargeable route hasn’t really proven to save money over using disposable batteries.

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Volusiano, you made me smile. Yes I did do the math, it is not a great saving at all, but not having to worry about flat batteries would be a bonus. Although I am wary about the quality of the product. Yes, I use the iPhone a lot for work calls so that is probably causing the increased drain. I have been reading that the connectclip works so much better with firmware 6, so I asked my audiologist to upgrade them and he is going to do so in the next few days. With the connectclip being so unreliable, I have switched it off and put it back in the box, till I get the new firmware as it was beginning to drive me nuts. Thanks to everyone for their advice (UK spelling) it is very reassuring to know that others have been through the pain

I use the ZPower Rechargeable system and love it!!. I am also one of the people in the group of The colossal ZPower failure, but after the new replacement retrofit doors, replacement charger and ZPower batteries, I am thrilled with the reliability and convenience. I think of it the same as recharging my iPhone. It has nothing to do with saving $ for me. I never drop calls due to low battery.

I stream alot and would lose connection when the zinc air disposables got around 20%. To avoid this issue, I was changing disposal batteries proactively to avoid losing streaming during calls. I was trying to keep track of the hours of usage,etc. to avoid having a dead battery during meetings and inconvenient times–so just maybe, it is more economical to use ZPower. Not to mention the anxiety. I never even think about it now.
I did read somewhere, that the Battery level on the apps is designed for zinc air batteries, and is not accurate for the ZPower batteries.

To my knowledge, ZPower and the rechargeable kit is only available thru your Provider. Make sure you are getting everything as new replacements, and updated firmware in the re-charger.

I encourage you to try the ZPower.

I have the latest firmware I’m my aids and connect clip and I am not see any issues with it be unreliable. Both are the aids and the clip have to be updated

very interesting, my audi only mentioned the aids, how do you update the clip?

very helpful advice, thank you. I will check with my audi and let you know the outcome.

Your Audi has to update the clip at the same time as your aids. My Audi says it is a time consuming update. And if the clip isn’t also updated it will not pair with the aids. Also after the updates you will have to repair the aids to all your devices again as well as the clip

Update! My audi has updated my aids to firmware v6. The connect clip was v 1.1 which is current. The first test was to connect the cc to my computer and take a call on my iPhone - Success
The second test was to stream music from my iPhone - Success
Hearing aids have no bluetooth issues, connect permanently to the iPhone and the CC, no changes in intensity between ears like before.
It is fixed and working perfectly


I know this post is 5 years old, just an update for 2024, Microsoft Windows 11 has added an app called Phone Link, you can download it from the Microsoft Store for free. Using ConnectClip with Windows 11, and PhoneLink connects to both iPhone and Android now. Calls need to be on at least Windows 10 according the app description. Bottom line is now you can be both connected to your smart phone and PC at the same time. It works great, I love it. You can call, take calls and texts. The texts won’t let you send a picture though, you have to do that on your phone which is a bummer, but otherwise it’s great.

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There is an “attach image” icon right below the text line.