Oticon ConnectClip - audio cuts out

Thank you. This is very useful information. I will reach out to the Oticon executive team about forming a user advisory group. Very much appreciated.


I was just called by my audiologist and she told me the new firmware is available. I will be getting it installed on Wednesday.

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Thanks. Is there any reason the firmware can’t be installed at home via Noah?

Probably no reason, but I’ve working closely with the clinic and Oticon on this issue, so I will let them upgrade the firmware.

Thanks. Please let us know the results. I’m going to wait a bit and see what the general consensus is as I live quite a ways from my Audi if something goes wrong. Good luck!

My Real HAs were upgraded to 1.1.0 firmware. They are paired with my CC, iPhone and Pixel 6 phone. So far, all of them are working, but it’s too early to draw any conclusion about whether the new firmware fixes the problem.


Thanks for keeping us posted. I too have the same problem. Have the More1 aid on left ear w/CROS on completely dead right ear. Before that had the OPN1 on left only. Used the connect clip for years with the OPN with no issues. I used it at meetings asking the speaker to wear it, bike riding my husband wears it to alert me to passers or situation i might not hear, and having my doubles tennis partner wear it so I hear them. Since getting the more its been more or less useless. A few days ago I figured out by noticing on the companion app that what i switch to remote mic program, the “streaming volume” slide bar was at zero while the “environment” slide bar was about 2/3 up with a “0” for the setting. I slid the “streaming volume” to 9 and voila i can hear thru the cc. Switched back to P1 then back to remote mic and back to 0. Slid it up manually again. Repeated. This time went to 7. So I set my ipad up in another room with bluetooth off so sound thru its speakers and set cc in front. I’ve been experimenting daily for 5 days now. Switching between P1 and remote mic to see if hear the iPad music playing in next room. Past couple days it has not gone to 0 but random numbers. I’ve been sliding it to 11 now every time then repeating. Its completely random where it starts. Sometimes the same 11, sometimes 5, 7, 12…… crazy. Has anyone else with the More experienced this?

Since the firmware was updated 8 days ago, I haven’t had a single instance of audio drop-outs with my Real HAs. This firmware seems to be solid, although, it will take a bit longer before I can definitively say it’s a fix.

@darylm, great to see that the Oticon Real firmware upgrade fixed the issue of audio cut out with the ConnectClip.
I have the Oticon More 1 and I had them downgraded from firmware 1.4.3 to 1.3 to be able to use the ConnectClip again, which is working fine.
I’m hoping that the firmware upgrade that fix the issue will come to the Oticon More 1 soon.
Would you (or anyone) have any information about it?
Thank you!

Sorry, but I have no idea about the More HAs since I no longer have them. All I know is that the fix isn’t exactly the same for More and Real and the fix for More will come later. If yours are working with 1.3.0 firmware, be glad. In my case, 1.3.0 did not work, which is one of the reasons why I upgraded to Real. If I hear anything from Oticon, I will update this thread.


I’ve been using the new 1.1.0 firmware in my Real HAs for a month and I have not had a single instance of audio drop-out and I have not had to re-pair the HAs and CC. I think it’s safe to say at this point that the new firmware fixes the audio drop-out problem for the Real HAs.


@darylm , I just upgraded my Oticton Reals to FW v1.1.0, but I’m still getting audio cut-outs every 3-5 seconds with the CC. What version FW is your CC running? Did you have to do anything special once you updated the FW version on your Reals? I’ve tried clearing the pairings with the 3-button reset method.

If anybody has any other ideas of what I can try, that would be appreciated. I reproduced the issue with a CC paired with a MacBook Pro and Windows machine (ThinkPad).

EDIT: I think my CCs are still v1.1. Can you upgrade them using Genie?

Maybe the problem is with the CC. My CC is a newer version. I can’t recall which. I posted it, but I don’t have time to locate the thread right now. If you search, you should be able to find it. I’ll check later and report back.

The firmware on my CC is 1.13.5.

How did you get that upgraded? Via Genie?

Ok, so I got things working!

After talking my HCP who reached out to Oticon, she said that I needed to also unpair the CC from my BT devices (MacBook/ThinkPad) - not just the HAs from the CC (3 button reset).

After doing so, non-interrupted streaming started to work! :slight_smile: … v1.1.0 seems to work!

EDIT: If this was already said earlier in the :thread: … this was a reading failure on my part.

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Is anyone in this :thread: intimately familiar with the Bluetooth protocol?

I’d like to speculate as to the nature of this bug because something caught my attention:

I had to unpair the CC from my devices (MacBook / ThinkPad) and that audio-cutting out persisted until I unpaired despite the firmware upgrade to v1.1.0.

  1. Does something in the Bluetooth Pairing protocol set attributes, encodings, timeouts, and etc … by which the audio stream is governed? Is that why unpairing first was required in order to flush the previously broken config?
  2. It was also clear from my own observations that lights on the CC would flash from orange to blue back to orange then blue again every 3-5 seconds in my instance when audio was playing. Was that a symptom of #1 or possibly a whole different issue related to the CC and HA maintaining a continuous Bluetooth connection?


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If you’re asking me, I received the CC with 1.13.5 firmware. Not sure if it can be updated using Genie. Perhaps someone else can answer that.

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In Genie 2, there’s an Accessories pull-down menu. If you go there, and have your ConnectClip connected to your computer, then it’ll show what version is on it currently. And if you have the latest version of Genie 2, which is 2023.2, then if that Genie 2 version has a newer firmware than what’s already on your ConnectClip, you’ll be given a chance to update it.

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I am recommended to change from android to iPhone. No more problems with this ClipConnect audio cuts issue. Is that really correct?