Oticon and Android Bluetooth issues with certain brands

In my opinion, free hands is good and not so good. If you are in a quietly place then yes, free hands helps but if you are in shopping mall with all the noise around the other person wont hear you so well so I prefer to be able to hold my phone close to my mouth.

Question: what bluetooth version has Oricon Real?


Oticon is using BLE and has from the beginning of using Bluetooth. So Oticon is MFi/ASHA. There are rumors that the Real aids can be upgraded to LE audio but i actually expect Oticon will introduce a new hearing aid this spring with le audio. I would be surprised if they just do a firmware update to the Real aids.
While i have the capacity to use the Bluetooth technology fully, i seldom do. I have the connect clip and use it to stream audio books from my Fire Tablet, but i am using my Bose over the ear headphones mostly because to be honest I prefer doing so.

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Thank you!
My priority is not the Auracast but the BLE thing so it will consume power as little as possible.
This is why I asked.

PS: LE Audio requires BT 5.2 or higher, but BT 5.2 doesn’t guarantee LE Audio.

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The Samsung galaxy S23 phone has ble5.3

I have Oticon Real 1 and and iPhone. The connectivity is hit or miss daily. I spend more time syncing my horrible HAs than I ever could have imagined. My old Oticons worked so much better.

The problem of connectivity isn’t the aids it is the IOS since IOS16 came out. I switched to my Samsung phone back last summer and I have been so glad I did.

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I hate my Oticon Real 1 HAs. The connectivity is awful with podcasts, phone, videos, and my car. I’m at a loss. I’ve only had them a few months and I wish I could give them back.

I had no idea Oticon has a phone list. My audiologist doesn’t know this either. Together, we called the company twice and I sent my Oticon Real 1 HAs back. The “fixed” pair is worse. My connectivity is off the charts awful.

The aids can connect directly with your car. They do connect to iOS devices and a select number of Android phones, the key is make sure your aids are at the latest firmware level which is 1.1.0. My experience shows that the issue with connectivity is more of an issue with IOS than the aids. I do get upset when the aids are blamed for something that Apple screwed up. But if your aids aren’t at the latest firmware level then they need to be updated asap.

Also I will agree the companion app has connectivity issues, but to be honest with the iPhone you don’t even need the app.

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Thank you so much. How do I check for the update? I sent my HAs back once already and connectivity is worse. I do have blue tooth on my car, but the connection is also hit or miss. I’m frustrated with this investment of my money and my time.

Which iPhone do you have? My Real 1’s on firmware 1.1.0 are fine with my iPhone 13 Pro on iOS 17.2.1. I don’t use the app much, just the built-in MFi features.

How do you connect to the car? The Real aids will not connect directly to anything but IOS or ASHA, you would have to be using the connect clip to connect to anything else Bluetooth. The companion app will tell you the firmware level. Check under hearing aids at the bottom of the app, then hearing aid settings then hearing aid details.

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Hi thank you so much for answering. I have Oticon Real 1, 1.0.1.
I have had problems with them since I got them. After a week, my audiologist sent them back because she could only fix some of the problems. While some issues were fixed, I still have two lingering issues: Connectivity and shutting off, rebooting in the middle of the day without me touching them. This is my second pair of Oticons. My first pair never gave me one issue in 6 years. I do have an older iPhone but people with newer phones post similar issues. I’ve also read posts that a newer version of Real 1 is slated for spring. I am open to your thoughts.
Thank you for your time.

I would suggest you have your audiologist update the firmware of your aids to 1.1.0. That update is to fix connectivity issues among others. I would also ensure that your iPhone is updated to the latest version of iOS compatible with your phone.

I have an iPhone 12 mini with iOS 17.3 and Real 1 aids with firmware 1.1.0. I don’t have connectivity issues but the Oticon Companion app does have issues. I typically use the MFi functions to control the aids (switch programs) rather than the app.

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Hi you are very knowledgeable and I thank you for your time. My Real 1 is 1.0.1. I never knew that. Thank you for that directive.
I’ve worn Oticons for six years and never had a problem with connectivity until this new pair. In fact, the company asked my audiologist to send them back after a week because she could not resolve the problems I was having with this new pair.
I do have Bluetooth on my car. My last pair of Oticons always connected to my car automatically. This pair connects sporadically. At home, my HAs don’t connect to incoming calls reliably; I have to use the speaker. I re-pair, connect, my phone to podcasts mulitiple times a day. Often one appliance connects and the other has to be re-paired. Also, one appliance will suddenly turn off in the middle of the day without me touching them.
These are my frustrations. Thank you again.

Not sure how you are connecting to the car entertainment system, The Real aids are not true Bluetooth, they are only MFi, iOS, or ASHA, android, and not all android devices have ASHA capabilities.
I am not totally knocking iPhone but Apple changed something with MFi and it sure screwed up connectivity. The real reason I went with the Samsung S23. And to be honest the app has connectivity issues with the aids, it seems worse with iPhone app than my Samsung phone.

This sounds like an issue that could be unique to the rechargeable version (I have conventional 312 battery Real 1’s). Assuming you have rechargeable.

@SusanPod , please ask your audiologist to update the firmware of your Real 1 aids to version 1.1.0.

That would be an amazing fix. Thank you.

That’s a specific detail I should include. I have battery operated HAs. I always listen for the opening sound signal. And several times a week, one restarts in the middle of the day. I’m going to keep a record of the frequency. Thank you for your time.