Noahlink wireless computer connectivity issue

You are 100% correct.

[Keith] If I understand correctly, you didn’t get an error from Windows when you plugged in the device; Target just didn’t find it. [dkoldman] Yes, I saw no Window’s issue and Yes Target could not find it.

[Keith] And the Noahlink firmware update utility did find it. Is that correct? [dkoldman] Yes and later after the firmware installed Target 7.2.1. found it too.

The version of Target I have is [PhonakTarget7.2.1.63245.exe]

I have a Dell OptiPlex 390 Desktop and a Dell Latitude 7480

The green lights only stay on when the device is actually talking to your hearing aids and so the lights coming on briefly when you plug it into the PC USB port is correct behaviour.

You may want to consider how you perform Firmware Updates for Noahlink Wireless (Automatic or Manual): Personally, I prefer Manual.

Automatic Noahlink Wireless Firmware Updates by the Fitting Software

As of the beginning of the year 2022; HIMSA says that it is not necessary to update the firmware in your Noahlink Wireless until the fitting software requires it. At that time the fitting software may prompt for the Noahlink Wireless firmware to be updated, or the company will notify you it is time to upgrade. Well DIYers don’t have a company. So, there’s that! Also, how does the fitting software make the call that your Noahlink Wireless requires a firmware upgrade? Does it do so gracefully, or does it give you an error like this Phonak Target error that says;

Perhaps nothing graceful happens and you will get the above error, or a similar error. If you encounter this type of error, then shutdown your fitting software and follow the advice to re-install your Noahlink Driver using the (Noahlink Wireless Driver Installer from HIMSA). After installation of the Noahlink Wireless driver, and upon restarting your fitting software you will likely be prompted to perform a Firmware Update on your Noahlink Wireless device. Sorry to say, this automatic Noahlink Wireless firmware update procedure doesn’t seem very automatic at this point in time??

Manual Noahlink Wireless Firmware Updates

On the other hand!!, if you want to manually keep your hearing aid programming device updated without the ungraceful errors, HIMSA also says that you can upgrade to the latest Noahlink Wireless firmware before the upgrade is available in the fitting software. It is safe to do so because Noahlink Wireless firmware is always backwards compatible with previous firmware versions, meaning that you can safely upgrade your Noahlink Wireless firmware without worrying about losing the connection with your fitting software.

You can manually bring your Noahlink Wireless firmware up-to-date by scrolling down to the very-bottom of HIMSA and download the Noahlink Wireless Firmware Upgrader. As an additional bonus you can view the latest available Firmware version number before downloading, for example (v2.17 June 2017, v2.18 July 2018, v2.23 Jan 2022). I upgraded from v2.17 to v2.23.

Tip: Use your fitting software to display your current Noahlink firmware version and serial number information. Tip: Close your fitting software before running the Noahlink Wireless Firmware Upgrader to avoid conflict.


You can use a linux live cd and run lsusb at the cli. You might have to install it depending on the cd you download. Here is what I see on my ubuntu mate 21.10 laptop.
Bus 002 Device 021: ID 16f0:0003 GN Hearing A/S Airlink Wireless Programming Interface

I will try again to run target with wine the next time the os upgrades. Then I can dump windows once and forever. LOL

Good luck

Hi, all,

Following others’ advice, I returned the previous device that was giving me the USB device malfunctioning errors and ordered a new one. This one is new (thanks to those who suggested I skip the used route). It came from overseas and took a couple weeks to get here. But it arrived this afternoon. I plugged it in, and it shows up in Device Manager correctly! I plan to start tinkering this weekend.

Thanks to everyone here for the support and encouragement on this little project of mine.


well, i have this stupid error as shown in your picture every time i restart my computer. i updated the firmware, used the latest HIMAS driver from their homepage (which is used by the device as i can see), but still: it will appear as “Unknown USB device” within Windows after a computer restart.

my “solution” is to unplug the Noahlink and plug it in again. after that it is fully recognized and can be used with Target 8.

when i have some more time i will dig a little bit deeper into this topic, but for the moment it’s good enough for me.

That was the long version for using the link provided by HIMSA in case the link gets updated in the future. Here’s the short version;

  1. Download the Noahlink Wireless Firmware Upgrader →
  2. Run the downloaded file (NLWUpgrader2.24.exe)

i did all that…doesn’t work for the issue i have :wink:

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HMm; There is one more common driver problem that is described in DIY School PDF file named (Noahlink Wireless - DIY User Guide). But you should already be beyond this because you already fixed the driver problem and your problem just comes back after a restart? Thus I don’t know if this applies??

The root of that problem was that Noahlink Wireless was assigned to “Other devices” instead of being assigned to “HIMSA” and this Noahlink Wireless driver install fixed it →

Perhaps it may help to look at where (Himsa or other device) Noahlink Wireless is assigned before you fix it? Tip: The assignment takes place on my computer when I plug in my Noahlink Wireless. I don’t leave it plugged in all the time.

no, my problem seems to be different.

if everything is fine it will show up as HIMSA/Noahlink Wireless as shown in your second picture.
after a computer restart it shows up as USB Controller/Unknown device, and not as “Other devices” as in your first picture. then i have to un- und replug it and it will appear as HIMSA/Noahlink wireless immediately without any further action.

not to worry…maybe i have to use a different USB port on my computer or sth else is causing the trouble here (maybe i have to update the mainboard driver). as long as i can use it it’s not a big problem for me. :slight_smile:

Having same issue myself, except that i purchased mine back in 2017, been using it on and off and finally it seems to have stopped working today.

One thing i noticed is that mine looks a little different to others, it has four silver connectors/pins at the back and the USB-B end includes a small rubber piece inside. I’m pretty sure i accidentaly bent the pins on the left side, i might just try and open it up and see if i can get better access to the pins and bend them back.

In what way did it “stop working” did it just suddenly die while using or something else, as for the pins, are you unable to plug your cable in anymore?

In the same way as the original poster, getting the exact same error, it was working a few days ago and then today it stopped, it no longer shows up as “Noahlink Wireless” anywhere on my PC or in the device manager. Regarding the cable, yes it still plugs in as before.

I see, very unusual, well try the driver update, what windows version 11?

Already tried the driver update and also the firmware updater, i also tried a few things mentioned in this thread like trying on a different PC etc, no luck, i doubt it’s the cable but i guess i could try my printer cable to see if that works, i’m on Windows 10.

This are pictures from my Noahlink concector / cable

On your pictures it looks like that your connector is broken and the black rectangle part stuck in your cable connector.

Try to pull the black part out of your cable end, Then try to re-bend the connector pins inside the Noahlink. It must be 4 seperate distinct pins


Yeah he did mention that connecter, well it’s gotta be it.

I notice that on the left image for your Noahlink there are no silver pins, or perhaps the two black strips are the pins?

Maybe the plastic piece broke off and got stuck inside the usb cable like you said, but i think it may be a different design to yours, maybe an earlier model.

I took the plastic piece out, see image. Regarding bending the pins, it’s really difficult to do with such a small opening, i will try again tomorrow.

Well this has got me interested, I’m gonna check both the ones I have as well.

Yeah so mine are the same.

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