Next purchase: Hearing care solutions, ziphearing or direct hearing

My last hearing aids were purchased through Hearing Care Solutions.
I had excellent service with fitting and adjustments from my local specialist. The only downside would be having to purchase them up front rather than all the trial options, but a nonissue as I knew what I wanted
Looking to purchase a new pair. Same brand. Newer model
Anyone compare pricing or satisfaction with these 3 options where you are referred to a local office?
Thanks in advance

Have you looked at Hearing Revolution ( Great prices.

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Have you used them?
Did you compare with elsewhere?

I did use them. Great prices. Great service from the home office. But ultimately I wasn’t happy with the audiologist although she was a very nice person. She was my choice and I was too new to hearing aids to know what to look for in an Audi. So, my bad. If you know what to look for and you have a choice of Audis where you live, I think you’d have no problem.

I have purchased from ZIp. I have had a couple of occasions to return aids and a Roger mic and the refund happened immediately without any hassle.

I have experience with with my current Oticon OPN S1s. I worked with a local audiologist who was on their roster and who I probably would have selected anyway. I had a trial period and used it.

My initial purchase was rechargeable aids, which for ergonomic reasons did to work out. It was an easy process to replace them with replaceable battery units. I had some warranty work done through the local audiologist. The price was right, the service great, and if I recall the ZipHearing folks filed the insurance paperwork with BCBS for me. I think I paid the full price up front myself and got a check back from BCBS.

Anyway, I was extremely pleased with the arrangement all around, and I found them to be very responsive when I reached out with questions.

EliotB, Northern Virginia

Wow - I wish I had known about this site for my last purchase. I had investigated and talked with a couple of groups but one didn’t want to work with me because I said I wanted to stay with my custom ear molds - one was too high - and one insisted we talk first on the phone which at the time was impossible to do because with my old hearing aids I couldn’t successfully engage in dialogue because I couldn’t hear what people were saying and I told them that but they were unimpressed and insisted on phone call first.

Then I finally ended up with and got a pair of Lumity 90’s at the best price of all and not only did they not argue with me about custom ear molds… they said they would give me to me for free with my Lumitys.

I wasn’t totally sold on Lumity but the other aids I wanted to check out were Resound Enzo Q and they didn’t “do” Resound so now I have the Lumitys which are better but I wish I could’ve tried the Resound to know which was better.

Just noticed - it looks like Hearing Revolution doesn’t “do” Resound either unless I misread.

You read correctly. But it’s more like Resound doesn’t do Hearing Revolution rather than the other way around. Companies like Hearing Revolution negotiate a lower price and then pass the savings on to their customers. They will carry any brand that is willing to do business with them. The absence of Resound from their portfolio indicates that the 2 parties couldn’t reach an agreement on price.

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