Next Gen Phonal aids

Has anyone heard anything about when the next Generation of Phonak aids are coming out? Seems like it’s about time again.


I expect the new customs any time now. Next gen of Audeo late summer. No word. Haven’t seen or heard anything. They are tight-lipped.


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Since they bought Sennheiser I’m yet to see any gains in sound tech appearing in their Hearing products [I’m excluding their OTC products with just Sennheiser logo slapped].
So it better be some decent update this time.

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When sonova bought sennheiser the lumity platform was already baked. They still have yet to roll out the customs. I expect/hope the next platform to have modest improvement in snr in noise. Maybe bt le audio. I don’t expect to see anything directly attributable to sennheiser. Rah rah spend money now. I’m due for new HAs late summer. If they roll out something good, I’ll wait to upgrade in November when the contracts roll over. Otherwise I’m not sure what I’ll do.



I have Phonak Paradise CROS now. I am hoping when they come out with the next Gen they have an updated CROS too. Sometimes they skip a couple of Generations before updating the CROS. Probably not enough demand for CROS…

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September, ready for the UHA is what I’ve heard.

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What is UHA? I don’t recall coming across that acronym before.


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Sorry that’s a typo - the E didn’t stick.


And I still probably wouldn’t have picked it up or figured it out. Thanks! As much as I’ve learned, there is still what seems like whole worlds of knowledge to explore. If I don’t let my arrogance of what I already know that ain’t so get in the way….

It just occurred to me I get six months to come back and swap. I am maybe a little too timid about being “that patient” and trying stuff and getting new aids (say, L90s) when I am pretty sure I’ll want what is new when it comes out on contract in a few months.


UHA? What does that stand for?

It was a typo. Meant to be EUHA. See link he later sent.


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Thank you! Keep my eyes open

They will probably tease @ euha but launch it early December in time to offer it to the big chains …

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I get my aids at the VA and I am up for new ones next May so hopefully they will have them out by then. Hopefully with a CROS aid also. Sometimes they are slow coming out with the CROS.

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Something new coming?

American launch is August. But not with a new CROS. You could ampcros maybe.

what is ampcros , I don’t know the term?

From another post.

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