Next Gen Phonal aids

My man on the inside says July or Aug depending on country and watch out for something big.
A real game changer he says, and its not just marketing hype.
He’ll probably shoot me if i say any more but theres a hint in this thread already about what its all about.


Oh! Speech in 360! I didn’t know about it.

Frustrated with this thread. This generation has caused me concern. I hope I can get my hearing aids setup better. Although they are so much better than when I left the “audiologist that couldn’t”. I’m still having trouble hearing.

Yesterday I had trouble understanding conversation in the office. It wasn’t that loud; background noise wasn’t bad. I couldn’t understand what was being said by people right in front of me.

Remembering that today I decided to change my waxguards. Little round disk of waxguards for the Phonak Audeo Paradise P90R’s. First one ok. Second one I couldn’t get the hearing aid to pick the waxguard up. Bad. Next. Same. BAd. Third One–Finally! That’s 1/4 of the waxguards in the container that are defective.

Worse yet I’ve run out of waxguards. I change my waxguards whenever I’ve had trouble hearing. Works out to be about every week. I never had issues with my last two sets of Phonaks. The waxguards were easy to change and I never had issues. That’s in about 10 years of use.

@PHONAK Please look after the details on the next generation of Phonak Hearing Aids. Use the old style of receiver and the GOOD WAXGUARDS.

I’ll get them for my Paradise P90’s as soon as I can.