New Starkey Product - Edge AI with Neural Processing Unit (NPU) for Noise Reduction

Not to be confused with the old Edge AI mode on their last gen products! This is a whole product called Edge AI, and it comes with a dedicated “Neural Processing Unit (NPU)” for “noise management”. I don’t see the word “denoise” anywhere, but I’ll find out exactly what they mean by noise management.


I’m going to trial these Monday.

I’d love to hear your feedback!

I’ll let you know.
My audio knows I’m highly critical.
This is the third set of Starkey she’s letting me try.

Not to hijack this thread, but may I ask what your impressions were of the Genesis AI?

You have struck gold there… :slight_smile:

let’s hope he doesn’t get any!!


I generally don’t get any and that’s with the feedback manager off.
I have closed domes.
PS I know what you meant.

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She is persistent.
Tried to sell me the Evolv and Genesis.
They were ok but I had issues with noise management and wind.
She’s still new at this.
Learning on the job.
I told her I respect that, to a point.
I’m hopping these have revolved their problems.
The price will also be a factor.
I’m not going to spend a fortune.

I just got my AI Genesis a couple of month ago. Sigh. I knew they were already over a year old, so ancient in tech years. But then if you always wait for the next update, you’ll never get anything.

You’re absolutely right. For what it’s worth, as an independent audiologist myself, i have been very impressed with the Genesis AI and the outcomes my clients have reported to me and i have been fitting an increasing number of people with them as a result. You’ve got a great pair of aids.

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Freezer man you’re hearing loss is flat out to 6000 Hz. You should buy your self a pair of apples air pod Pro two and input the autogram using iOS version 18. The AirPod Pro two has 35 DB active noise Compensation, which is what headsets had about 20 years ago

Really not an Apple person.
Can’t see myself walking around with air pods all day.
It would be interesting to try when looking at TV

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Ahhhh blast! I only had my new Signature CIC which uses the Genesis chip/platform only for 4 months. And I won’t be able to switch unless I paid. Darn Starkey!

I suspect what many Genesis users have been complaining is the noise reduction fluttering. For example my experience is when I am in loud places such as the supermarket. The freezers/fridges and the loud fans; the sound from these reduce but whenever there is another loud sound such as a bang, the noise reduction algorithm turns off. Then noise reduction returns but flutters again.

I suspect they could not fix this issue and instead made a new chip. I haven’t had any new firmware updates so Genesis will be become an obslete

How does this differ from the original Genesis AI Edge?

Great video:

Phonak Sphere has competition!

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Exploring Starkey’s Edge AI Hearing Aids: Always-On DNN, LE Audio, Health Features and more