New Phonak Lumity hearing issues

When I get in to see my audi on Thu I’ll ask how she did it. I recall it wasn’t a simple copy/paste. It could very well have been the manual re-setting of each frequency band for LEFT aid, then RIGHT one.

What other brand might I ask?

Isn’t that silly that the setting needs to be manually copied vs automatically like changing to a new iPhone? That’s a lot of work. When I got my Lumity, my audiologist told me everything is same as my Marvel. She didn’t do it in front of me. Last visit I brought my Marvel, she printed my Marvel setting and noticed low frequency was different, so she adjusted, but it’s still difficult to hear. My next appointment is not till early August. I am hoping she will email me to go in earlier to have it adjusted again after talking to Phonak. She is always busy and fully booked for a month, guess a lot of people with hearing loss like me.

Well I’d offer Signia or ReSound, but that’s because I use them, Oticon is another that people are happy with,but really you need to trial a few to know which you prefer.

If you have trial hearing aids and return before end of trial - what happens if after a number of other trials that the first trial is best, can you go back and select it again. Not to be difficult it’s just how do you know which is best if you only try one?

YES! Ultimately, the audiologist (or hearing specialist) would want YOU to find the best pair of aids out there to help you. So I’ve also trialed different brands and then selected the one that provides the most natural sounds and has other programs and features I value.

I’m just completely up-front and tell the audi (or dispenser) that after trying a different aid, indeed the FIRST one I trialed is the one I want. You are not being difficult - just discriminating! And that’s a good thing.

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Thanks for advice. The thing is I’m using a hearing aid provider that gives me a huge discount and remote adjustments. Am I still able to trial different hearing aids without incurring wrath of remote audiologists because they aren’t getting about 50 percent upfront fee added to hearing aids.

Hey everyone. Please don’t take offence but I really need to emphasize a few things…

Even leading edge hearing aids like Phonak Lumity will yield poor results if you don’t get them setup (from scratch) by a very knowledgeable and skilled audiologist who really understands all the in’s and out’s of the new platform and who is willing to spend the time necessary to make them work for you. You cannot cut corners or skip steps to get the best results. You can’t get them setup by mail order or online and expect good results. Getting a big discount usually = the audiologist is giving you half the service time needed. I don’t even agree with self programming although I understand why people go this route after being setup by a poor audiologist.

I know some people won’t agree with these comments but this is my experience after wearing hearing aids for 23+ years and after suffering through a few bad audiologists before finding a rockstar audiologist who bends over backwards to fit me properly.

Just my 2 cents…



Rather than ‘transferring’ settings, the audi should take screenshots of the amplification curves as shown in Target, and try to reproduce these for the new HAs. That is how I would do this…

Yep! Coulda been written by ME! I am no DIYer, no regrets! I just want the best possible source out there to make it happen for me. Luckily, we’ve both found our “rockstar”! Better than winning a lottery. :slight_smile:

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I really appreciate your response and help from Neville and others here.

I’m now searching for a new audiologist that has the skills you speak of. Paradise P90R’s


I understand your viewpoint works for you. However, for me, I either buy online with remote programming or I get, maybe one instead of a pair because there is no possible way to get blood from a turnip from my already overstressed budget. I wish I could do as you suggest but its not reality in my case and I don’t think I’m alone in this.

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GO FOR IT!! It’s trial and error, it’s tedious, it even requires a bit o’ Irish luck (or some such imaginary magic), but IF you find that perfect audi, it’s like a marriage for life.

I was telling a senior friend of mine about my audi the other day, as he is in the market for hearing aids. He hopes to use his wife’s aids (she no longer wears them). He’s got a good bud who can help set them up. When I heard that scenario for disaster, I had to suggest he go see an audi who ISN’T just a friend, and keep an open mind about what that audi recommends.

Shoes are an analogy. Would he wear his wife’s shoes? I doubt it, yet, here is a medical device needed and he hopes to save 50-cents using her aids. :woman_facepalming:

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Geez kcsummerkc, how come you can’t find an audi in your area if you live somewhere in the greater Kansas area? I would be totally lost at sea if I had to rely on remote programming and appt’s, cuz it’s the chemistry between patient + audi that is so critical in a long-term relationship.

My cinderblock ears aren’t getting any younger or better, and so I know I’ll need a MUCH YOUNGER audiologist who’s a real go-getter to stick with me for life. :slightly_smiling_face:

I understand. A friend did the same thing…except she used her late Mother’s hearing aids…Beltone?

I’ve had 1 Widex and 3 sets of Phonaks. The Widex experience was a disaster. I sort of used that one hearing aid for 10 years. Then I got serious.
My first real audiologist was wonderful/perfect! She had me apply and I qualified for Her hearing aids worked better by far. Every time I visited her the hearing aids were much improved. She sold her business; new owner was Listen Up Canada. I left quickly.

I hope to find her equal,

Can you explain my audiogram. I have Lumity 90RL

I had Paradise 90s & upgraded as Lumity Hearing Aids were speech improvements. The way they are programmed, I’m totally frustrated. The last adjustment was Semi linear compression at 750 - 1500 I believe. If my husband is about 5 feet away I hear him saying something, but no idea What. Totally Frustrated & I’ve worn Hearing Aids for 19 yrs. Any input would be greatly appreciated.

AUGH!!! Worst nightmare! I don’t suppose you have any contact info for her (email, phone) whereby you could ask for a replacement recommendation in the area?

Same thing happened to my mom’s audi - he was okay and did house calls (she’s 98 now), but he only works with Beltone now, and has left the practice in the hands of a very young, not well trained receptionist who seems to be learning at the expense of the patients.

As a result, my mom got a few pairs of custom molds that hurt like HE!! but can’t get a resolution from the newbie.

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I’m NO techie, but what might help is what the program setup looks like in Target software? I say that cuz your ears have different frequency losses, and maybe the aids are not set up to compensate for their differences.

It would be crazy if the audi set them both up the same across the board when the ears are really quite different. Hope tenkan can shed light on this.

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Good suggestion. I don’t have her information anymore.
I had the same experience with molds with my first in the ear hearing aid. It hurt, so I didn’t use it.

It’s called a “Corner on the Market”. Why doesn’t anyone want to compete? The real tragedy is that the “services” given by the audi kingpins is that they are arrogant and what they deliver is a despicable injustice to the people who need to hear again but who may never know just how rotten the “providers” are. Actually there is a bit of competition in K.C. but in the outlying small towns they are being cheated in my opinion. The cheaters will deny they cheat, isn’t that always the way?

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