Hello, I am new to the forum. I have worn hearing aid (Phonak) for many years. Recently I am trying Phonak Lumity, and found that I cannot hear clearly with the new aid. Compared to my Marvel 50, the Lumity 70 sounds weird. Human voices especially women’s voices are very high pitched and hard to understand. My audiologist said the new aid copied the old aid, but how come the Marvel sounds more natural? Is that normal? I think Lumity works better than Marvel in noisy environments, but I can’t hear people talking clearly in quiet places.
I have M70 and P70.
For me, the P70 sounds so much better in all aspects with exact same settings as my M70.
Never tried the Lumity tho but others say they are excellent.
As you’ve gone from M50 to L70, it might be the added features causing issues?
I have all the fancy features turned off for me.
Naida M70 and Naida P70?
I had Phonak Marvel 50 now testing Lumity. I initially tried L50, had same issue. People’s voices sound not natural, very high pitched and hoarse. Lumity is supposed to be better than Marvel.
Me? I have Sky (basically Naida) M70 SP and Naida P70 UP. (I also have Oticon Xceed 1 UP.)
Only some people’s take on this, basically the same as you’ve noticed yourself, Autosence was supposedly improved,…but na still sounding the same to some people, maybe you could try the 90’s instead of the 50’s?
I won’t try L90 till the high pitch issue is fixed. I do find Lumity performs better in noisy environment than Marvel, even with Lumity 50. I could hear people at different directions too.
Do you need many adjustments when upgrading from M70 to P70?
Just REM. No adjustments since.
Phonak M70 was no improvement over my 2011 Phonak Spice Technology apart from the
Bluetooth feature.
I then went on to Oticon Xceed but using the Phonak Roger with Oticon is not great as it’s either Bluetooth or Roger that’ll work. Not both together.
Even when you attach the audio shoes to the Xceed, Bluetooth will stop working even if Roger isn’t turned on.
I then got the Phonak Naida P70 and was quite surprised of the difference.
Your high frequencies issue is pretty easily adjusted by your audiologist.
This is the issue that you need to focus on, as it’s the most important, you could post your audiogram as this would be helpful, if the Lumley isn’t sounding “natural” as the Marvel, I don’t think your going to get these two different platforms sounding exactly the same, I’m glad I dropped Phonak and went on to other brands.
I don’t have my audiogram, my audiologist never gave it to me in the past 10 years. We have adjusted the new aid for 3 months but still no improvement. I am getting frustrated.
I understand. I’m in the same boat.
I also tried the Lumity, and they significantly improved my speech recognition. No question, it was higher in the mid to upper frequencies, but that’s where I need the help. You, unfortunately, didn’t have the same experience.
My audi said he set up the Lumity HAs with the same settings as my P90s, which were heading back to the mother ship for new batteries. Anyway, the audi said he had been told that there were some algorithm mods in the Lumity that improved speech recognition. While that is 100% true for me, it doesn’t work for you. The good thing is, your audi should be able to move the mid to upper freqs down until you are more comfortable.
When I first put on the Phonak Lumity Life aids after REM and audiogram determined the program I GUFFAWED! The sound quality was near AWFUL. That started a dialog with my very flexible audiologist, and we ended up transferring the Marvel setting over to the Lumity Life - and fuggedabout anyone else’s perspective on how I should be hearing.
Immediately, I was in HEAVEN! Not only did I get the rich, full sound of the old Marvels (thanks to the settings I’d refined over the years wearing them), but I got the speech clarity improvement of the Lumity Life. A beautiful marriage! I’m super happy with my Lumity Life aids, which are excellent hearing in quieter settings. In LOUD places, they do a good job of compensating for the surrounding noise, but half the time I end up putting them into “Speech in LOUD Noise” program. And even that isn’t perfect, but gets me to hear about 90% of what’s being said at a table in a restaurant.
I’ll never forget that initially, with the original settings in those Life aids, I also could not understand anyone talking in just about any setting. It’s like the higher freqs were emphasized and sound was thin and harsh. Almost every word spoken, I’d cringe from the knuckle-wrap explosion in my ear.
It’s a process to get aids tuned to how you want to hear your world. Since it’s OUR brain + ear connection, WE have to be able to articulate what we like and don’t like about the sound quality until it sounds just right.
I had exactly the same experience when tried Lumity, but I was told the setting on my Marvel was transferred to Lumity. My audiologist said the new HA has different chip, but should not have that big differences. She said would contact Phonak Audiology. I am waiting to have it adjusted again.
When I’ve transferred settings, newer Phonak don’t transfer the exact same settings, it’s not identical settings as it’s newer technology.
Having DIYed since 2011, this has happened many times over the years.
So did your audiologist adjust manually to match all previous settings?
Yeah Ruth, I think it’s a bit of a hit or miss when you transfer all the settings over from one set of aids to another, I did this via Target, from Naida M70’s, over to Naida P90’s, M70’s had REM done on them, and I wanted those settings in the P90’s, fortunately, Target did the transfer perfectly, so it worked out well for me, it wasn’t exact, but near enough for my liking… @Neville said, sometimes it works, and other times it does not transfer well! Cheers Kev
Each number was moved manually. It took so long as I wanted exact same settings.
OK. Maybe it’s just my own jaded view, but did your audiologist SAVE the settings? It’s happened before, believe me! I’ve had several visits where specific requests for changes were made but either not saved in both aids, or maybe even just one of the aids.
If your aids sound vastly different than how you heard things wearing Marvels, then it seems obvious to me that the copy/paste process failed! My audi was on the phone with Phonak Tech while doing that very procedure, transferring the Marvel settings to the Lumity Life. It was not an intuitive process! And when she was done and SAVED the changes made, I had an almost identical listening experience through the Lumity Life aids. (The improvement being in speech clarity.)
Definitely go back and try to look over your audi’s shoulder during the process. You should be able to SEE the process happening and then being SAVED. Biggest test will be when you switch the Lumity aids on and indeed, they sound pretty much (98%) like the Marvels.
GOOD LUCK and let us know how it goes!